Fraxos – Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme Typ
400,00 ₺FRAXOS – Ready to make a creative portfolio Fraxos is a very impressive and stylish portfolio theme crafted to tell your creativity to the world.
11 Home Page Examples Present your information in a much more efficient way with the Inspiring collections of pixel-perfect home pages.
- Home Version One
- Home Version Two
- Home Version Three
- Home Version Four
- Home Version Five
- Home Version Six
- Home Version Seven
- Home Version Eight
- Home Version Nine
12 Portfolio Single Layout Feel the feature of creativity with these portfolio single layouts that perfectly match your branding.
- Portfolio Fullscreen Slider
- Portfolio Center Slider
- Portfolio Center Slider Full Width
- Portfolio Left Sidebar
- Portfolio Right Sidebar
- Portfolio Full Width Right Sidebar
- Portfolio Center Stack
- Portfolio Big Masonry
- Portfolio Pinterest Grid
- Portfolio Pinterest Masonry
- Portfolio Custom Style
Four Modern Header Navigation Options Enhance your site with these modern header layouts that represent your incredible works in the best way.
- Header Style One
- Header Style Two
- Header Style Three
- Header Style Four
Beautiful Shopping Experience Simple and convenient store to sell your valuable products. We try to set many components to do your site better and functional with Woo-Commerce.
- Shop
- Cart
- Checkout
- My Account
2 Modern Blog Layout Option Elegant & Modern blog layout variations are perfectly suitable for exploring your work and experience.
- Blog Grid Style One
- Blog Grid Style Two
- Blog List
Advanced Theme Options A lot of options neatly organized into sections that allow you to build websites without any coding knowledge.
Visual Page Builder Visual Composer Page Builder for WordPress is drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin, that will save you tons of working time on the site content.
Unlimited Colors in Live Customizer Fraxos theme is well organized in the color section. You can change each part colors from live preview at Customizer. So, you can see that changes on the fly.
Lot’s of Shortcodes are available Our theme highly integrated with most user-friendly visual composer page builder plugin. Each shortcode have well organized and easy to use fields.
Contact Form 7 Fraxos is comfortable with Contact Form 7 plugin. We’ve followed contact form 7 native way strictly, so you’ll never a loss of its simplicity with powerful options.
SEO Optimized Fraxos theme perfectly supports search engines algorithms. SEO is the most important part to run a successful business. Organic searches only stay as a lifetime.
Woocommerce WooCommerce is a powerful and extendable eCommerce plugin that helps you sell anything Beautifully, Obira theme is comfortable with WooCommerce plugin.
Google fonts and Upload your custom premium fonts Our theme perfectly integrated with google fonts and easy to use options. Now, you can select 790+ fonts from google. And also, upload your own premium fonts to our own server.
Advanced Typography Fraxos theme has advanced typography settings available at theme options panel. You can customize font weights, line heights and what ever you want to add CSS properties easily.
Google Map Our theme extending google map appearance even more with maps API’s. Now, you can show multi styling options within a google map area.
FontAwesome & Line Icons. Our theme includes FontAwesome icon library and Line Icons from easy icon picker field. You can select a variety of icons using the pre-embedded font icons library.
Child Theme By using a child theme you will ensure that your modifications are preserved. Child themes are the recommended way of modifying an existing theme. Fraxos already packed with child theme!
Browser Compatible Fraxos theme will ensure that your every visitors receives the same experience across all browsers. We sticky support browser compatibility with cross OS platforms & devices.
Kwoon – Multipurpose WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Kwoon – Çok Amaçlı Duyarlı WordPress Teması
Kwoon, işiniz, portföyünüz, blogunuz veya diğer amaçlara yönelik web siteniz için harika bir çözüm olacak temiz ve profesyonel bir tasarıma sahip düz ve duyarlı bir WordPress Temasıdır. Kwoon, harika Twitter Bootstrap v3 ile oluşturuldu ve sınırsız renk seçeneğine sahip çok sayıda sayfa oluşturucu öğesi sayfası. Duyarlı olduğu için, düzen, web sitenizi akıllı telefonlar, tabletler veya masaüstü bilgisayarlar gibi herhangi bir cihazla uyumlu hale getirecek farklı ekran boyutlarına uyum sağlayacaktır.
Kwoon – Ana Özellikler
WooCommerce Desteği – Kwoon, WooCommerce’i destekler, bunun için güzel bir stil hazırladık ve başlıktaki güzel bir AJAX güncelleme sepeti simgesi gibi özel güzellikler, temiz!
Özel Görüntü Kırpma – Öne çıkan görsellerinizin kırpma alanını seçememekten bıktınız mı? Kwoon’da değil, öne çıkan resimlerinizin nerede kırpıldığını tam olarak kontrol edebilirsiniz.
Görsel Besteci Dahil, Ücretsiz! – Herkesin favori sayfa oluşturucusu dahildir.
Özel Sayfa Oluşturucu Öğeleri ve Sayma Yükleri! – Kwoon’daki sayfa oluşturucu, sayfa oluşturucu için yalnızca Kwoon için başka bir öğe yükünü elle tasarladığımızı ve kodladığımızı genişletmek için tamamen özelleştirilebilir özelliklerle dolu olarak gelir! Tam blog beslemeleri, portföy beslemeleri, atlı karıncalar, adını siz koyun! Hepsinden iyisi, her bir öğe tamamen özelleştirilebilir, bir sayfada yalnızca belirli kategorileri gösterir, arka plan resimlerini tanımlar, her şey!
Paralaks Arka Plan Görüntü Bölümleri – Sayfalarınızı oluştururken bölüm bölüm paralaks arka plan görüntülerini ayarlayabilirsiniz. Herşey mümkün.
Özel Logolar – Kwoon, güzel canlı önizleme tema seçeneklerimizde birkaç tıklama ile WP Oturum Açma ekranı için özel bir logo, retina logosu ve hatta bir logo ayarlamanıza izin verir. Tema seçeneklerimiz bile tema değişikliklerinizi gerçek zamanlı olarak görmenizi sağlar!
Sınırsız Renk Şemaları – Kwoon size tema renkleri üzerinde tam kontrol sağlar, canlı önizleme tema seçeneklerimizi kullanarak temadaki tüm renkleri değiştirebilirsiniz.
Tek Tıklamayla Demo Veri Yükleyicisi – Özel wordpress veri aktarıcım ile siteniz saniyeler içinde demo sitem gibi çalışır hale gelebilir.
WPML Desteği – Tam çok dilli destek Kwoon’a dahil edilmiştir! Daha basit çeviriler için de tam .po dosyası mevcuttur.
Yerçekimi Formları ve İletişim Formu 7 Desteği – Kwoon kutudan çıkar çıkmaz tamamen Yerçekimi Formları için hazırdır, ihtiyacınız olan formları hemen oluşturmaya başlayın. Ücretsiz bir iletişim formu oluşturucu tercih ederseniz, Kwoon’da İletişim Formu 7’yi de destekliyoruz!
1, 2, 3 veya 4 sütun altbilgisi – Her şey size kalmış! tema, altbilgi pencere öğesi alanlarını nasıl kullandığınıza yanıt verecek ve sizden fazladan çalışma olmadan sütunları oluşturacaktır!
Yerleşik paylaşım – Doğrudan temanın içine güzel bir tarza sahip paylaşım düğmeleri oluşturduk, içeriğinizi şık bir şekilde paylaşın.
500+ Simgeler – Güzel, retinaya hazır simgeler emrinizde, bunları temanın her yerinde kullanın, mobil cihazlarda da güzel görünürler!
Blog Düzenleri – Izgara Blog, Klasik Blog ve hepsi yine bir kenar çubuğuyla. Seçebileceğiniz 6 farklı blog düzenine sahipsiniz ve dahil edilen sayfa oluşturucu ile bunu sayfa sayfa değiştirebilirsiniz! Bir kategori için bir düzen ve başka bir kategori için başka bir düzen ister, sorun değil!
Portföy Gönderi Türü Düzenleri – Bir gönderi biçimi seçin, bir gönderi düzeni seçin, içeriğinize gerçekten uyan bir portföy gönderisi oluşturmak için karıştırın ve eşleştirin. Özellik resimleri, galeri, ses bulutu, video, ihtiyacınız olan her şey! sonra da bırakın kullanıcılarınızın güzel paylaşım düğmelerimizle paylaşmasına izin verin.
Çocuk teması dahil! – Hayatı kolaylaştırmak için kurmanız için temel bir çocuk teması ekledim. Değişikliklerinizi daha da hızlı hale getirin!
5 Destek, Tümü Geliştiriciden * – Kendi desteğimin tamamını kullanıyorum, bu nedenle tema kullanımınıza veya kurulum sorunuza harika ve hızlı bir yanıt vereceğinizi garanti edersiniz.
Ana Özellikler
- En son WordPress Sürümü her zaman desteklenir, şu anda 5.1+
- Tek Tıkla Demo Kurulumu
- Şaşırtıcı Görsel Besteci Dahil
- Yıldırım Hızında
- Tamamen Yerelleştirilmiş ve Tercümeye Hazır
- Düz tasarım
- % 100 Tam Duyarlı
- Twitter Önyükleme 3.1.1
- Paralaks etkisi
- 3 Ana sayfa düzeni, sınırsız olanaklar
- Retinaya hazır grafikler ve simgeler
- SEO dostu
- Fancybox (19 $ değerinde)
- Fiyatlandırma Tablosu (4 $ değerinde)
- Portföy gönderileri türleri
- Filtrelenebilir portföy
- Google Yazı Tipleri
- Zengin stil seçenekleri
- İletişim formu 7 hazır
- Yerçekimi Formlarına Hazır
- Yardım belgeleri
- jQuery geliştirilmiş
- Çapraz tarayıcı uyumluluğu
Mandala – Responsive Ecommerce WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Mandala – Responsive Ecommerce WordPress Theme is suitable for fashion shop. We have included multiple layouts for home page, blog page to give you best selections in customization. With many great features like ajax shopping cart, wishlist, compare, zoom and fancybox to bring into a modern look of website.
- WordPress 4.9+, 5.x + Ready
- WooCommerce 3 Ready
- WPML supported
- Fully Responsive, your website will works on almost device
- Powered by Redux framework, bring to you unlimited color and Google fonts options
- Mega menu supported
- Multi home page layouts
- 7 pre-defined home page layouts
- Multiple blog layouts for your choice
- Box layout and full width layout
- Sample background images
- Color presets included
- Header & footer layouts by Visual Composer
- Suitable for digital, organic, construction store
- Social icon links
- Error 404 page included
- Unlimited custom sidebars. Left and right sidebar options
- Quality checked by Envato
- Well documented
- Sample content available to help you build your website with demo content
WooCommerce Supports
- WooCommerce 3 Ready
- Wishlists, Ajax shopping cart
- Product Quick View
- Product image zoom
- Filter by size, color, material
- Products carousel, latest posts carousel
- Product images lightbox for details page
- Grid view and list view for shop page
- Suitable for digital, organic, construction store
- Contact page
- About page
- Services page
- 3 blog layouts and post formats (audio, video, gallery, image)
Extra plugins
- Visual Composer
- Mega Main Menu
- Revolution Slider
- Essential Grid
- Templatera
- Wishlist optional feature
- Products compare
- MailPoet
- Mailchimp for WordPress
- Contact Form 7
Tonsberg – Travel Blog Theme
400,00 ₺Want to create an incredible Travel Blog WordPress website? Sick of testing and evaluating themes? Choose the ONE completely consulting theme you can use to create the website you need.
Permanently updated, with 24/7 reliable support and amazing features:
- WPBakery Page Builder – SAVE $33
- Slider Revolution – SAVE $18
- Redux Framework Theme-Options Panel
- General Settings
- Unlimited Sidebars
- Styling Settings
- Header Settings
- Footer Settings
- Contact Settings
- Blog Settings
- Shop Settings
- 404 Page Settings
- Social Media Settings
- SEO Settings (Google Analytics built-in)
- MailChimp Newsletter
- Demo Data Importer
- Multiple header variants
- One-click importer
- 600+ Google Fonts
- Font Icons instead of images
- Well documented
- PHP-Ajax Contact Form Various Custom Widgets and much more
- Multiple Colors & Skins Throughout
- Eye-catching CSS Animations
- Compatible with: Contact form 7
- Permanent updates
- Excellent Typography
- Optimized for high speed
- Fast and easy to use
Spare – Ultimate MultiPurpose LESS Theme
400,00 ₺Spare is a modern, responsive WordPress theme that builds any type of page design easily with an awesome Page Builder and LESS styling. The theme has capacity of all kind of business websites including Corporate, One Page, eCommerce, Parallax, Fullscreen, Shop and Clean design. See the below details.
- LESS styling and easy compiling on page save action.
- PAGE BUILDER Drag and drop, comes with 33 power elements and 15+ prebuilt layouts
- Text Block
- Accordion
- Audio / Embed – Youtube, vimeo, soundcloud or self hosted
- Blog – Advanced Blog element with 7 layouts
- Blog Fullwidth
- Button
- Callout
- Carousel
- Carousel Fullwidth
- Counter
- Divider / Space – Line, dotted and up to top OR simple space Gallery / Image Slider – Beautiful Image Slider element with iPhone, iPad, Macbook and iMac frames except regular Slider, Thumbnail and * Preview styles
- Image
- Google Maps
- Heading – 5 different styles
- Iconic List
- Message box
- Portfolio – Advanced Portfolio / Portfolio Fullwidth elements with 7 each layouts
- Portfolio Fullwidth
- Progress Bar
- Service – Advanced Service element + 550 vector icons
- Share Buttons
- Premium Slider – You can show Layer and Revolution slider anywhere in your page layout
- Table – You can build pricing table easily
- Tabs
- Team Member
- Testimonial slider
- Video / Embed
- Viewport Image
- Woo Commerce – You can add your products on your page layout
- Sidebar – Why always sidebar shows at right or left?
- Raw HTML and JS
- Row Element – Advanced Row element, 6 columns (unlimited) + Custom BG options + Video background + Full width option
- Ultimate Page Template, can build individually designed page
- One Page Design, easy to set up with page template
- Blank Page Design, easy to set up with page template
- Detailed Admin Panel that has 80+ options
- Detailed Site Customize (live, 50+) options built-in the WP Customize class.
- Responsive, Modern design based on Bootstrap 3 framework
- Retina ready all parts look beautiful on high pixel displays
- One Click Demo Setup, Advanced dummy data importing option
- Included FontAwesome 4, filterable user interface for 369 icons
- Beautiful Simple Line Icons, filterable user interface for 160 icons
- Advanced Mega Menu: Custom Icon + Columns + Image
- WooCommerce ready : your own shop and sell goods
- Advanced Top Bar options
- Can be used variations of Custom text, Menu, Shopping cart, WPML language widget and Social icons both on Right and Left side
- Advanced Page Title options: Spacing + Background image + BG color
- 7 different Blog layouts
- Regular, Grid 2, Grid 3, Grid 4, Masoned 2, Masoned 3 and Masoned 4 columns
- Advanced Category, Archive, Author, Tag and Search result layout options
- Advanced Footer Options
- Column Layout : Up to 4 columns & 6 predefined layouts. You can create your own with shortcode.
- Custom color & Background image
- Advanced Sub Footer (socket) Options
- Translation ready and WPML plugin ready, PO/MO files included
- Compatible with Child theme, supports deep directory file changes
- SEO Optimized, html structure built with SEO practice, Rich snippets & Micro data format applied for all blog loops
- Premium sliders, Save $37 for LAYER & REVOLUTION slider
- Parallax & Video Background option for page and Row element of PageBuilder
- Unlimited Header Styling
- Unlimited sidebars
- Additional 5 widgets: Authors list, Most commented posts, Most liked posts, Post formats, Recent posts and Social links.
- Post format : Video, Audio, Gallery, Chat, Image & Quote
- Post sharing options: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and Email buttons
- Supports Google Font 600 fonts and advanced typography options
- Narrated Video Tutorials
Choco | Multipurpose WP
400,00 ₺Choco Multi purpose responsive theme. Compatible with bootstrap you can use this theme for corporate, portfolio, personal, agency, etc.
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Bootstrap 3 support
- Easy to customize
- 15 Unique Layouts
- Blog & Portfolio pages
- Client, Team carousel
- Google Fonts Support
- 55 HTML files
- text slider, video bg
- Font Awesome & ionicons support
- Working PHP contact form
- Google maps integration
- Pricing tables, Milestones
- Crossbrowser compatible
- Responsive Design
- Social share option
400,00 ₺Diux is responsive one page portfolio WordPress Theme with clean,simple,minimalist and elegant design.It can be used for creative digital agent or even personal/freelancer to show portfolios and selling services. Its build based on twitter bootstrap ,so it has powerfull features.
- Build with twitter bootstrap
- Icon powered by Fontawesome
- Responsive Design
- Slider,Video And Youtube background
- Homepage custom layout
- Ajax Portfolio
- Isotope Filtering
- Black and white effect
- and Many More
Finance – Business & Financial, Broker, Consulting
400,00 ₺We know that every business is different, that?s why we have done deep research to build each blocks in Finance, and deliver this specifically to yours
Finance is the Perfect Finance, Consulting & Business WordPress Theme. Finance is best suited for corporate website like Financial Advisor, Accountant, Consulting Firms, insurance, loan, tax help, Investment firm etc. This is a business template that is help full for online presence for Corporate Business and Financial Firms. Finance Press is Fully Responsive! Strong focus on the smartphone and tablet experience
This template comes with necessary features for your online presence like porfolio, blog, testimonial and persoal profile page etc. Finance can be a great choice for your online presence.
Our theme include all features that you need
- 5 Different Home Pages
- 6 Different Headers Style
- Unlimited Color Styles. Create your custom color scheme with only a few clicks!
- Visual Composer Drop & Drag page buider with 30+ web element
- Revolution Slider for create unlimited sliders
- Woocommerce Integrated
- Theme Options with Reduxframework
- Service Page templates
- Blog Pages & Single Blog Pages
- Responsive Layout on Bootstrap
- 700+ Google Fonts
- FontAwesome icons
- WPML localization support
- One-click demo content import
- Audio & Video embed
- Cross Browser
- Support contact form 7
- Newsletter support
- Documentation included
Minera – Minimalist WooCommerce WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Minera Theme launches your online store with a stunning website in a powerful eCommerce platform, WooCommerce. You can create as many variations as you want. It is a clean and elegant design, suitable for cloth selling, furniture store, plant shop, ornaments, and many other accessories. Minera is capable of managing all sorts of the website and provides sophisticated business solutions, due to its incredibly flexible, customizable nature and highly intuitive user interface.
The responsive design, easy page building and mobile friendly layout without any coding knowledge gives you the best time spent on your site. 10+ Home Pages with different layouts are available to beautifully showcase of your collection, sale, and latest news in different portions. Fully integrated with WooCommerce and other eCommerce features. Commercial & adjustable mega menu is available to create a lucrative fashion store website. Minera is everything you need to succeed in eCommerce.
Theme Features
- WooCommerce Integrated Theme
- Visual Composer Drag & Drop page builder
- 100% Fully Responsive Theme
- WordPress 4.5+ support
- Translations Ready
- WPML Ready
- Documentation Included
- 1 Click demo content
- Clean and commented code
- Cross Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE11
- 6 Headers types
- 5+ Footer layouts
- Custom Typography (All google fonts included)
- Unlimited colors
- 6 Blog styles
- Testimonials slider
- Custom options for pages
Shop Features
- Built in Quick View feature
- Color and Images swatches built in
- Different Single product styles
- Ajax Add to cart button
- Multiple Shop category layout: full, box, sidebar
- Mega menu
- Visual Composer included
- Revolution Slider included
- Full WooCommerce support
- WishList plugin included
- Contact Form 7 compatible
Blanka – One Page WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Blanka is creative one-page / single page WordPress theme and it’s great for any corporate, portfolio and creative agency. It is fully responsive and it will look great on any screen size: desktop, notebook and mobile phone.
- Child Theme Included
- Responsive Layout to Fit Any Screen Size
- XML demo content file
- Portfolio Post Type
- 9 Premade Sections
- Smooth Scroll
- Simple Image Slider
- Simple Text Slider
- Shortcode Generator
- Easy translations .POT – Loco Translate compatible
- Multi Language support (multilingual) – WPML and Polylang
- Compatible with Contact Form 7
- Easy to Customize
- Fully compatible for all major browsers
- Well Documented
APRIL – Wonderful Fashion WooCommerce WordPress Th
400,00 ₺APRIL is a Woocommerce WordPress theme that will give you and your customers a smooth shopping experience which can be used for various kinds of stores such as fashion design/catalog/accessories?, boutique, cosmetics… website .
APRIL comes with a bunch of really handy theme options so that you can configure your website with minimum effort and time.
Moreover, APRIL has retina ready, smart megamenu, advanced skins options, 10+ different Demo Homepage, 8 different header layout, 800+ Google Fonts, and so much more! APRIL is the perfect combination of power, simplicity and professional design with tons of powerful features that you can customize according to your brand.Features:
- 14 Demos
- 10 Home Pages
- One Click Demo Import
- 8 Stylish Header Style.
- Unlimited Sidebar & Colors
- WooCommerce Ready
- Modern, Professional Design
- Perfect Code
- Translation Ready(po/mo files)
- Unlimited Sidebar & Colors
- Cross Browser Compatibility
and so much more…
NOTE: This item contains assets in the download files that are sourced from a third party and different license terms apply to those assets. These will be identified in the downloaded files with a copy of the other license which will apply to those assets.
400,00 ₺If you want to share your story of pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting on the Internet, then Mamita WordPress Theme will be a splendid platform for your website. We believe, it can also be useful for gynecologists, midwives and maternity nurses, as well as other topic-related specialists. If you wish to go viral with your maternity blog, you should definitely consider Mamita with its warm pastel color scheme, three different Homepages to choose from, a variety of blog streampage layouts, Instagram Feed support and many other awesome features. Plugins for Maternity Blog WordPress Theme The WP template is compatible with amazing plugins. WPBakery Page Builder allows to edit the content without porgramming skills. With Slider Revolution, Instagram Feed and Essential Grid the visual look will be definitely outstanding. Using Mailchimp you can get your email list and perform newletters for your readers. Above all ThemeREX Addons plugins will ensure your experience is absolutely smooth.