Fraxos – Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme Typ
400,00 ₺FRAXOS – Ready to make a creative portfolio Fraxos is a very impressive and stylish portfolio theme crafted to tell your creativity to the world.
11 Home Page Examples Present your information in a much more efficient way with the Inspiring collections of pixel-perfect home pages.
- Home Version One
- Home Version Two
- Home Version Three
- Home Version Four
- Home Version Five
- Home Version Six
- Home Version Seven
- Home Version Eight
- Home Version Nine
12 Portfolio Single Layout Feel the feature of creativity with these portfolio single layouts that perfectly match your branding.
- Portfolio Fullscreen Slider
- Portfolio Center Slider
- Portfolio Center Slider Full Width
- Portfolio Left Sidebar
- Portfolio Right Sidebar
- Portfolio Full Width Right Sidebar
- Portfolio Center Stack
- Portfolio Big Masonry
- Portfolio Pinterest Grid
- Portfolio Pinterest Masonry
- Portfolio Custom Style
Four Modern Header Navigation Options Enhance your site with these modern header layouts that represent your incredible works in the best way.
- Header Style One
- Header Style Two
- Header Style Three
- Header Style Four
Beautiful Shopping Experience Simple and convenient store to sell your valuable products. We try to set many components to do your site better and functional with Woo-Commerce.
- Shop
- Cart
- Checkout
- My Account
2 Modern Blog Layout Option Elegant & Modern blog layout variations are perfectly suitable for exploring your work and experience.
- Blog Grid Style One
- Blog Grid Style Two
- Blog List
Advanced Theme Options A lot of options neatly organized into sections that allow you to build websites without any coding knowledge.
Visual Page Builder Visual Composer Page Builder for WordPress is drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin, that will save you tons of working time on the site content.
Unlimited Colors in Live Customizer Fraxos theme is well organized in the color section. You can change each part colors from live preview at Customizer. So, you can see that changes on the fly.
Lot’s of Shortcodes are available Our theme highly integrated with most user-friendly visual composer page builder plugin. Each shortcode have well organized and easy to use fields.
Contact Form 7 Fraxos is comfortable with Contact Form 7 plugin. We’ve followed contact form 7 native way strictly, so you’ll never a loss of its simplicity with powerful options.
SEO Optimized Fraxos theme perfectly supports search engines algorithms. SEO is the most important part to run a successful business. Organic searches only stay as a lifetime.
Woocommerce WooCommerce is a powerful and extendable eCommerce plugin that helps you sell anything Beautifully, Obira theme is comfortable with WooCommerce plugin.
Google fonts and Upload your custom premium fonts Our theme perfectly integrated with google fonts and easy to use options. Now, you can select 790+ fonts from google. And also, upload your own premium fonts to our own server.
Advanced Typography Fraxos theme has advanced typography settings available at theme options panel. You can customize font weights, line heights and what ever you want to add CSS properties easily.
Google Map Our theme extending google map appearance even more with maps API’s. Now, you can show multi styling options within a google map area.
FontAwesome & Line Icons. Our theme includes FontAwesome icon library and Line Icons from easy icon picker field. You can select a variety of icons using the pre-embedded font icons library.
Child Theme By using a child theme you will ensure that your modifications are preserved. Child themes are the recommended way of modifying an existing theme. Fraxos already packed with child theme!
Browser Compatible Fraxos theme will ensure that your every visitors receives the same experience across all browsers. We sticky support browser compatibility with cross OS platforms & devices.
Kwoon – Multipurpose WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Kwoon – Çok Amaçlı Duyarlı WordPress Teması
Kwoon, işiniz, portföyünüz, blogunuz veya diğer amaçlara yönelik web siteniz için harika bir çözüm olacak temiz ve profesyonel bir tasarıma sahip düz ve duyarlı bir WordPress Temasıdır. Kwoon, harika Twitter Bootstrap v3 ile oluşturuldu ve sınırsız renk seçeneğine sahip çok sayıda sayfa oluşturucu öğesi sayfası. Duyarlı olduğu için, düzen, web sitenizi akıllı telefonlar, tabletler veya masaüstü bilgisayarlar gibi herhangi bir cihazla uyumlu hale getirecek farklı ekran boyutlarına uyum sağlayacaktır.
Kwoon – Ana Özellikler
WooCommerce Desteği – Kwoon, WooCommerce’i destekler, bunun için güzel bir stil hazırladık ve başlıktaki güzel bir AJAX güncelleme sepeti simgesi gibi özel güzellikler, temiz!
Özel Görüntü Kırpma – Öne çıkan görsellerinizin kırpma alanını seçememekten bıktınız mı? Kwoon’da değil, öne çıkan resimlerinizin nerede kırpıldığını tam olarak kontrol edebilirsiniz.
Görsel Besteci Dahil, Ücretsiz! – Herkesin favori sayfa oluşturucusu dahildir.
Özel Sayfa Oluşturucu Öğeleri ve Sayma Yükleri! – Kwoon’daki sayfa oluşturucu, sayfa oluşturucu için yalnızca Kwoon için başka bir öğe yükünü elle tasarladığımızı ve kodladığımızı genişletmek için tamamen özelleştirilebilir özelliklerle dolu olarak gelir! Tam blog beslemeleri, portföy beslemeleri, atlı karıncalar, adını siz koyun! Hepsinden iyisi, her bir öğe tamamen özelleştirilebilir, bir sayfada yalnızca belirli kategorileri gösterir, arka plan resimlerini tanımlar, her şey!
Paralaks Arka Plan Görüntü Bölümleri – Sayfalarınızı oluştururken bölüm bölüm paralaks arka plan görüntülerini ayarlayabilirsiniz. Herşey mümkün.
Özel Logolar – Kwoon, güzel canlı önizleme tema seçeneklerimizde birkaç tıklama ile WP Oturum Açma ekranı için özel bir logo, retina logosu ve hatta bir logo ayarlamanıza izin verir. Tema seçeneklerimiz bile tema değişikliklerinizi gerçek zamanlı olarak görmenizi sağlar!
Sınırsız Renk Şemaları – Kwoon size tema renkleri üzerinde tam kontrol sağlar, canlı önizleme tema seçeneklerimizi kullanarak temadaki tüm renkleri değiştirebilirsiniz.
Tek Tıklamayla Demo Veri Yükleyicisi – Özel wordpress veri aktarıcım ile siteniz saniyeler içinde demo sitem gibi çalışır hale gelebilir.
WPML Desteği – Tam çok dilli destek Kwoon’a dahil edilmiştir! Daha basit çeviriler için de tam .po dosyası mevcuttur.
Yerçekimi Formları ve İletişim Formu 7 Desteği – Kwoon kutudan çıkar çıkmaz tamamen Yerçekimi Formları için hazırdır, ihtiyacınız olan formları hemen oluşturmaya başlayın. Ücretsiz bir iletişim formu oluşturucu tercih ederseniz, Kwoon’da İletişim Formu 7’yi de destekliyoruz!
1, 2, 3 veya 4 sütun altbilgisi – Her şey size kalmış! tema, altbilgi pencere öğesi alanlarını nasıl kullandığınıza yanıt verecek ve sizden fazladan çalışma olmadan sütunları oluşturacaktır!
Yerleşik paylaşım – Doğrudan temanın içine güzel bir tarza sahip paylaşım düğmeleri oluşturduk, içeriğinizi şık bir şekilde paylaşın.
500+ Simgeler – Güzel, retinaya hazır simgeler emrinizde, bunları temanın her yerinde kullanın, mobil cihazlarda da güzel görünürler!
Blog Düzenleri – Izgara Blog, Klasik Blog ve hepsi yine bir kenar çubuğuyla. Seçebileceğiniz 6 farklı blog düzenine sahipsiniz ve dahil edilen sayfa oluşturucu ile bunu sayfa sayfa değiştirebilirsiniz! Bir kategori için bir düzen ve başka bir kategori için başka bir düzen ister, sorun değil!
Portföy Gönderi Türü Düzenleri – Bir gönderi biçimi seçin, bir gönderi düzeni seçin, içeriğinize gerçekten uyan bir portföy gönderisi oluşturmak için karıştırın ve eşleştirin. Özellik resimleri, galeri, ses bulutu, video, ihtiyacınız olan her şey! sonra da bırakın kullanıcılarınızın güzel paylaşım düğmelerimizle paylaşmasına izin verin.
Çocuk teması dahil! – Hayatı kolaylaştırmak için kurmanız için temel bir çocuk teması ekledim. Değişikliklerinizi daha da hızlı hale getirin!
5 Destek, Tümü Geliştiriciden * – Kendi desteğimin tamamını kullanıyorum, bu nedenle tema kullanımınıza veya kurulum sorunuza harika ve hızlı bir yanıt vereceğinizi garanti edersiniz.
Ana Özellikler
- En son WordPress Sürümü her zaman desteklenir, şu anda 5.1+
- Tek Tıkla Demo Kurulumu
- Şaşırtıcı Görsel Besteci Dahil
- Yıldırım Hızında
- Tamamen Yerelleştirilmiş ve Tercümeye Hazır
- Düz tasarım
- % 100 Tam Duyarlı
- Twitter Önyükleme 3.1.1
- Paralaks etkisi
- 3 Ana sayfa düzeni, sınırsız olanaklar
- Retinaya hazır grafikler ve simgeler
- SEO dostu
- Fancybox (19 $ değerinde)
- Fiyatlandırma Tablosu (4 $ değerinde)
- Portföy gönderileri türleri
- Filtrelenebilir portföy
- Google Yazı Tipleri
- Zengin stil seçenekleri
- İletişim formu 7 hazır
- Yerçekimi Formlarına Hazır
- Yardım belgeleri
- jQuery geliştirilmiş
- Çapraz tarayıcı uyumluluğu
Mandala – Responsive Ecommerce WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Mandala – Responsive Ecommerce WordPress Theme is suitable for fashion shop. We have included multiple layouts for home page, blog page to give you best selections in customization. With many great features like ajax shopping cart, wishlist, compare, zoom and fancybox to bring into a modern look of website.
- WordPress 4.9+, 5.x + Ready
- WooCommerce 3 Ready
- WPML supported
- Fully Responsive, your website will works on almost device
- Powered by Redux framework, bring to you unlimited color and Google fonts options
- Mega menu supported
- Multi home page layouts
- 7 pre-defined home page layouts
- Multiple blog layouts for your choice
- Box layout and full width layout
- Sample background images
- Color presets included
- Header & footer layouts by Visual Composer
- Suitable for digital, organic, construction store
- Social icon links
- Error 404 page included
- Unlimited custom sidebars. Left and right sidebar options
- Quality checked by Envato
- Well documented
- Sample content available to help you build your website with demo content
WooCommerce Supports
- WooCommerce 3 Ready
- Wishlists, Ajax shopping cart
- Product Quick View
- Product image zoom
- Filter by size, color, material
- Products carousel, latest posts carousel
- Product images lightbox for details page
- Grid view and list view for shop page
- Suitable for digital, organic, construction store
- Contact page
- About page
- Services page
- 3 blog layouts and post formats (audio, video, gallery, image)
Extra plugins
- Visual Composer
- Mega Main Menu
- Revolution Slider
- Essential Grid
- Templatera
- Wishlist optional feature
- Products compare
- MailPoet
- Mailchimp for WordPress
- Contact Form 7
Tonsberg – Travel Blog Theme
400,00 ₺Want to create an incredible Travel Blog WordPress website? Sick of testing and evaluating themes? Choose the ONE completely consulting theme you can use to create the website you need.
Permanently updated, with 24/7 reliable support and amazing features:
- WPBakery Page Builder – SAVE $33
- Slider Revolution – SAVE $18
- Redux Framework Theme-Options Panel
- General Settings
- Unlimited Sidebars
- Styling Settings
- Header Settings
- Footer Settings
- Contact Settings
- Blog Settings
- Shop Settings
- 404 Page Settings
- Social Media Settings
- SEO Settings (Google Analytics built-in)
- MailChimp Newsletter
- Demo Data Importer
- Multiple header variants
- One-click importer
- 600+ Google Fonts
- Font Icons instead of images
- Well documented
- PHP-Ajax Contact Form Various Custom Widgets and much more
- Multiple Colors & Skins Throughout
- Eye-catching CSS Animations
- Compatible with: Contact form 7
- Permanent updates
- Excellent Typography
- Optimized for high speed
- Fast and easy to use
Spare – Ultimate MultiPurpose LESS Theme
400,00 ₺Spare is a modern, responsive WordPress theme that builds any type of page design easily with an awesome Page Builder and LESS styling. The theme has capacity of all kind of business websites including Corporate, One Page, eCommerce, Parallax, Fullscreen, Shop and Clean design. See the below details.
- LESS styling and easy compiling on page save action.
- PAGE BUILDER Drag and drop, comes with 33 power elements and 15+ prebuilt layouts
- Text Block
- Accordion
- Audio / Embed – Youtube, vimeo, soundcloud or self hosted
- Blog – Advanced Blog element with 7 layouts
- Blog Fullwidth
- Button
- Callout
- Carousel
- Carousel Fullwidth
- Counter
- Divider / Space – Line, dotted and up to top OR simple space Gallery / Image Slider – Beautiful Image Slider element with iPhone, iPad, Macbook and iMac frames except regular Slider, Thumbnail and * Preview styles
- Image
- Google Maps
- Heading – 5 different styles
- Iconic List
- Message box
- Portfolio – Advanced Portfolio / Portfolio Fullwidth elements with 7 each layouts
- Portfolio Fullwidth
- Progress Bar
- Service – Advanced Service element + 550 vector icons
- Share Buttons
- Premium Slider – You can show Layer and Revolution slider anywhere in your page layout
- Table – You can build pricing table easily
- Tabs
- Team Member
- Testimonial slider
- Video / Embed
- Viewport Image
- Woo Commerce – You can add your products on your page layout
- Sidebar – Why always sidebar shows at right or left?
- Raw HTML and JS
- Row Element – Advanced Row element, 6 columns (unlimited) + Custom BG options + Video background + Full width option
- Ultimate Page Template, can build individually designed page
- One Page Design, easy to set up with page template
- Blank Page Design, easy to set up with page template
- Detailed Admin Panel that has 80+ options
- Detailed Site Customize (live, 50+) options built-in the WP Customize class.
- Responsive, Modern design based on Bootstrap 3 framework
- Retina ready all parts look beautiful on high pixel displays
- One Click Demo Setup, Advanced dummy data importing option
- Included FontAwesome 4, filterable user interface for 369 icons
- Beautiful Simple Line Icons, filterable user interface for 160 icons
- Advanced Mega Menu: Custom Icon + Columns + Image
- WooCommerce ready : your own shop and sell goods
- Advanced Top Bar options
- Can be used variations of Custom text, Menu, Shopping cart, WPML language widget and Social icons both on Right and Left side
- Advanced Page Title options: Spacing + Background image + BG color
- 7 different Blog layouts
- Regular, Grid 2, Grid 3, Grid 4, Masoned 2, Masoned 3 and Masoned 4 columns
- Advanced Category, Archive, Author, Tag and Search result layout options
- Advanced Footer Options
- Column Layout : Up to 4 columns & 6 predefined layouts. You can create your own with shortcode.
- Custom color & Background image
- Advanced Sub Footer (socket) Options
- Translation ready and WPML plugin ready, PO/MO files included
- Compatible with Child theme, supports deep directory file changes
- SEO Optimized, html structure built with SEO practice, Rich snippets & Micro data format applied for all blog loops
- Premium sliders, Save $37 for LAYER & REVOLUTION slider
- Parallax & Video Background option for page and Row element of PageBuilder
- Unlimited Header Styling
- Unlimited sidebars
- Additional 5 widgets: Authors list, Most commented posts, Most liked posts, Post formats, Recent posts and Social links.
- Post format : Video, Audio, Gallery, Chat, Image & Quote
- Post sharing options: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and Email buttons
- Supports Google Font 600 fonts and advanced typography options
- Narrated Video Tutorials
Choco | Multipurpose WP
400,00 ₺Choco Multi purpose responsive theme. Compatible with bootstrap you can use this theme for corporate, portfolio, personal, agency, etc.
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Bootstrap 3 support
- Easy to customize
- 15 Unique Layouts
- Blog & Portfolio pages
- Client, Team carousel
- Google Fonts Support
- 55 HTML files
- text slider, video bg
- Font Awesome & ionicons support
- Working PHP contact form
- Google maps integration
- Pricing tables, Milestones
- Crossbrowser compatible
- Responsive Design
- Social share option
400,00 ₺Diux is responsive one page portfolio WordPress Theme with clean,simple,minimalist and elegant design.It can be used for creative digital agent or even personal/freelancer to show portfolios and selling services. Its build based on twitter bootstrap ,so it has powerfull features.
- Build with twitter bootstrap
- Icon powered by Fontawesome
- Responsive Design
- Slider,Video And Youtube background
- Homepage custom layout
- Ajax Portfolio
- Isotope Filtering
- Black and white effect
- and Many More
Finance – Business & Financial, Broker, Consulting
400,00 ₺We know that every business is different, that?s why we have done deep research to build each blocks in Finance, and deliver this specifically to yours
Finance is the Perfect Finance, Consulting & Business WordPress Theme. Finance is best suited for corporate website like Financial Advisor, Accountant, Consulting Firms, insurance, loan, tax help, Investment firm etc. This is a business template that is help full for online presence for Corporate Business and Financial Firms. Finance Press is Fully Responsive! Strong focus on the smartphone and tablet experience
This template comes with necessary features for your online presence like porfolio, blog, testimonial and persoal profile page etc. Finance can be a great choice for your online presence.
Our theme include all features that you need
- 5 Different Home Pages
- 6 Different Headers Style
- Unlimited Color Styles. Create your custom color scheme with only a few clicks!
- Visual Composer Drop & Drag page buider with 30+ web element
- Revolution Slider for create unlimited sliders
- Woocommerce Integrated
- Theme Options with Reduxframework
- Service Page templates
- Blog Pages & Single Blog Pages
- Responsive Layout on Bootstrap
- 700+ Google Fonts
- FontAwesome icons
- WPML localization support
- One-click demo content import
- Audio & Video embed
- Cross Browser
- Support contact form 7
- Newsletter support
- Documentation included
Minera – Minimalist WooCommerce WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Minera Theme launches your online store with a stunning website in a powerful eCommerce platform, WooCommerce. You can create as many variations as you want. It is a clean and elegant design, suitable for cloth selling, furniture store, plant shop, ornaments, and many other accessories. Minera is capable of managing all sorts of the website and provides sophisticated business solutions, due to its incredibly flexible, customizable nature and highly intuitive user interface.
The responsive design, easy page building and mobile friendly layout without any coding knowledge gives you the best time spent on your site. 10+ Home Pages with different layouts are available to beautifully showcase of your collection, sale, and latest news in different portions. Fully integrated with WooCommerce and other eCommerce features. Commercial & adjustable mega menu is available to create a lucrative fashion store website. Minera is everything you need to succeed in eCommerce.
Theme Features
- WooCommerce Integrated Theme
- Visual Composer Drag & Drop page builder
- 100% Fully Responsive Theme
- WordPress 4.5+ support
- Translations Ready
- WPML Ready
- Documentation Included
- 1 Click demo content
- Clean and commented code
- Cross Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE11
- 6 Headers types
- 5+ Footer layouts
- Custom Typography (All google fonts included)
- Unlimited colors
- 6 Blog styles
- Testimonials slider
- Custom options for pages
Shop Features
- Built in Quick View feature
- Color and Images swatches built in
- Different Single product styles
- Ajax Add to cart button
- Multiple Shop category layout: full, box, sidebar
- Mega menu
- Visual Composer included
- Revolution Slider included
- Full WooCommerce support
- WishList plugin included
- Contact Form 7 compatible
Blanka – One Page WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Blanka is creative one-page / single page WordPress theme and it’s great for any corporate, portfolio and creative agency. It is fully responsive and it will look great on any screen size: desktop, notebook and mobile phone.
- Child Theme Included
- Responsive Layout to Fit Any Screen Size
- XML demo content file
- Portfolio Post Type
- 9 Premade Sections
- Smooth Scroll
- Simple Image Slider
- Simple Text Slider
- Shortcode Generator
- Easy translations .POT – Loco Translate compatible
- Multi Language support (multilingual) – WPML and Polylang
- Compatible with Contact Form 7
- Easy to Customize
- Fully compatible for all major browsers
- Well Documented
APRIL – Wonderful Fashion WooCommerce WordPress Th
400,00 ₺APRIL is a Woocommerce WordPress theme that will give you and your customers a smooth shopping experience which can be used for various kinds of stores such as fashion design/catalog/accessories?, boutique, cosmetics… website .
APRIL comes with a bunch of really handy theme options so that you can configure your website with minimum effort and time.
Moreover, APRIL has retina ready, smart megamenu, advanced skins options, 10+ different Demo Homepage, 8 different header layout, 800+ Google Fonts, and so much more! APRIL is the perfect combination of power, simplicity and professional design with tons of powerful features that you can customize according to your brand.Features:
- 14 Demos
- 10 Home Pages
- One Click Demo Import
- 8 Stylish Header Style.
- Unlimited Sidebar & Colors
- WooCommerce Ready
- Modern, Professional Design
- Perfect Code
- Translation Ready(po/mo files)
- Unlimited Sidebar & Colors
- Cross Browser Compatibility
and so much more…
NOTE: This item contains assets in the download files that are sourced from a third party and different license terms apply to those assets. These will be identified in the downloaded files with a copy of the other license which will apply to those assets.
400,00 ₺If you want to share your story of pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting on the Internet, then Mamita WordPress Theme will be a splendid platform for your website. We believe, it can also be useful for gynecologists, midwives and maternity nurses, as well as other topic-related specialists. If you wish to go viral with your maternity blog, you should definitely consider Mamita with its warm pastel color scheme, three different Homepages to choose from, a variety of blog streampage layouts, Instagram Feed support and many other awesome features. Plugins for Maternity Blog WordPress Theme The WP template is compatible with amazing plugins. WPBakery Page Builder allows to edit the content without porgramming skills. With Slider Revolution, Instagram Feed and Essential Grid the visual look will be definitely outstanding. Using Mailchimp you can get your email list and perform newletters for your readers. Above all ThemeREX Addons plugins will ensure your experience is absolutely smooth.
Dreamscape – A WordPress Photography Blog Theme
400,00 ₺Dreamscape is a responsive, clean and minimal Photography WordPress theme for creative minds. In brief, it is a versatile theme that suits many users’ needs and requests. Not only for photographers, hence the name, but also ideal for bloggers, artists and pretty much everyone who is in need to craft a portfolio website. Visitors who land on your page will immediately be intrigued by the elegant and smooth design. On top of that, you pictures will shine in the best possible light.
To promote your work in the online world, a compelling website is a must. By choosing Dreamscape, you are guaranteed the finest web presence imaginable. Without the need of any coding skills, you will put together the dream photography website quickly. Newbies, do not be intimidated by the idea of crafting a website all on your own. You can now easily do it with the solid photography website template.
Instead of coming up with your own look, Dreamscape theme has you sorted out with eight predefined demos. You can choose between full-screen slider, full-width and boxed layouts, as well as grid blog combinations and more. There is something for every taste. And most importantly, this terrific WordPress Photography Blog theme is fully customizable to build the ultimate portfolio effortlessly.
Dreamscape sports a responsive and mobile-ready layout so it looks great on all devices. The first impression will be a strong one, making photography enthusiasts hungry for more. Treat your visitors with remarkable work and tease them with sneak previews of what you are yet to publish.
If you want your photography content to really stand out, you need a great slideshow! And Dreamscape theme implements a beautiful, full-screen slider for perfect presentation. To truly amaze everyone who visits your page, one of the most important things is to wow them with outstanding visuals first thing they see. With Dreamscape, you do not have to worry about that. Each demo has a large slider which has a strong persuasive factor. Just check the live preview of any demo that sparks interest in you and you will be hooked immediately.
Photographers can create beautiful galleries to show their best work without any prior experience. You can be entirely new to working with photography WordPress themes and still appear super professional on the web. Creatives & Artisans can show off their talents without being overcrowded by flashy design tricks.
Revo Studio – Multipurpose WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Revo Studio is the creative web agency WordPress Theme based on bootstrap 1170px, you can use for multipurpose. Also you can use for Business, Corporate, Creative and much more…
- 4 Homepage Styles
- 20 + Inner Pages
- Fully Responsive
- Revolution Slider
- Visual Composer
- Fully Responsive
- Google fonts
- 600+ Fontawesome icons
- Clean & SEO Smart code
- Bootstrap
- Drag & Drop page builder
- Social network integration
- Support Video / Gallery Post
- Social share buttons in post
- Custom header image for each page
- 100+ shortcodes
- Mailchimp integration
- Parallax Image ready
- Ajax post scroll
- Demo content included!
- Once click demo data import
- Multilingual support
- Unlimited Color Options
- Moveable & Unlimited Sidebars – Move the sidebar to the left, the right or disable
- HTML5 and CSS3 Validated
- Auto-update support Envato Toolkit plugin (theme auto-update plugin)
- Customizable Design & Code
- Custom widgets
- Option tree
- Unlimited Google fonts
- Blog Layouts & Post formats supported
- All installed Extensions are included
- Cross Browser Support
- Detailed Documentation Included *+ Many more features
Note: With our demo import feature, you are able to get all media files included. Licences only for demo site, so if you want to use the same images, you need to buy your licences for your website.
Picante | Restaurant WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Restaurant WordPress Theme – Picante is a modern WordPress theme with a practical and functional design for Cafe & Restaurant and any food-related business web site. Built with the exclusive Codeless Builder, a front-end editor that can make your job easier to build your culinary website. Also, you can find included WPBakery Visual Composer backend editor. Picante support responsive layout so it looks great on all devices. It has a predefined design (demos) for Restaurant, Coffee, Organic Food, Blog. It also includes Online Reservation and WooCommerce to make money with your website.
Cool Product Menus Restaurant Theme was tailored for restaurant, coffee and culinary blogs. So we have styled an element for showcase in easy way possible what your coffee or restaurant offer.
Online Reservation Picante have an integrated solution for let your clients to reserve their tables online. We have styled and integrated the Open Table into the theme. Open Table is the most popular online system for reserving tables online.
Sell Food Online Theme is perfectly integrated with WooCommerce to let you sell online your business products online. Shop is perfectly styled and user friendly.
- Live Page Builder and Live Composer
- Modern Shop Restaurant Design
- 8 Premade Unique Templates completed
- Reservation Functionality integrated with Open Table
- Recipe Block
- Restaurant Menu Element show your restaurant menus online easily.
- Showcase your Instagram photos with easy.
- Online Food Reservation with WooCommerce
- WooCommerce
- Totally Compatible with all major plugins
- Highest Performance Grade – Top Speed Theme – Your gorgeous Restaurant Website is the fastest too!
- 6 Pre-made headers, multiple header styles
- 5 Pre-made footers, multiple footer styles
- Header Builder
- Header Wizard – One-Click header change
- Live header customization
- Virtually Unlimited Headers
- One Click Template Install – Dummy data importer
- Double Menus Navigation for page
- Custom menu for each page
- The Powerful Codeless Visual Builder
- Beautiful Portfolio Styles and Pages
- Single Portfolio Posts/Pages
- A standalone Blog Theme – Complete Product in itself!
- Fully Responsive & Retina – Responsive to the Core, Awesome to the Business
- Bootstrap Framework
- Adaptive Images
- Add External Media Type
- Product WooCommerce Live Search
- Quick Search
- Quick View Product WooCommerce
- Hotspot Design Element
- Subscribe Mailchimp Elements
- Multilingual
- Megamenu Fullwidth and Boxed
- Sidebar Custom Width
- Content Container Custom Width
- Custom accent color for each page
- Color Swatches or other variation swatches
- Live Theme Options
- Predefined Header & Footers
- Login SignUp / Social Login
- Live Customize Fonts & Colors
- Design that sells
- Unlimited Shop Layout
- Wish List Feature – Wishlist
- into Container and Fullwidth Grid System
- Nested Columns
- Equal Height / Vertical Align / Horizontal Align makes easy!
- GPU Accelerated CSS3 Animations
- Custom Background Colors for Rows / Sections / Columns / Entire Page
- Accelerated Parallax
- Currency Switcher
- Coffee & Restaurant Shop WooCommerce
- Custom modern Checkout and Thank You Page Style
- Left Navigation Page Style
Riffel – A Bold & Rich Portfolio Theme
400,00 ₺RIFFEL – Designed to Feel the Revolution Riffel is a professionally crafted portfolio theme that has extraordinary work techniques to display your work in amazing way. Attractive and graphically polished layouts that assembling your portfolio concepts into reality.
Riffel is a very impressive and stylish portfolio theme to present your ideas with wide range of layouts.
6 Home Page Examples A pure and yet perfect fascinating visual experience home pages for who loves the stunning portfolio.
- Home One
- Home Two
- Home Three
- Home Four
- Home Five
- Home Six
Portfolio Single Layout Feel the feature of creativity with these portfolio single layouts that perfectly match your branding.
2 Modern Blog Layout Option Elegant & Modern blog layout variations perfectly suitable for explore your work and experience.
- Blog Masonry
- Blog List
Advanced Theme Options Lot of options neatly organized into sections that allow you to build websites without any coding knowledge.
Visual Page Builder Visual Composer Page Builder for WordPress is drag and drop front-end and back-end page builder plugin, that will save you tons of working time on the site content.
Unlimited Colors in Live Customizer Riffel theme is well organized in color section. You can change each part colors from live preview at Customizer. So, you can see that changes on the fly.
Lot’s of Shortcodes are available Our theme highly integrated with most user friendly visual composer page builder plugin. Each shortcode have well organized and easy to use fields.
Contact Form 7 Riffel is comfortable with Contact Form 7 plugin. We’ve followed contact form 7 native way strictly, so you’ll never loss of it’s simplicity with powerful options.
SEO Optimized Riffel theme perfectly supports search engines algorithms. SEO is most important part to run a successful business. Organic searches only stays as lifetime.
Google fonts and Upload your custom premium fonts Our theme perfectly integrated with google fonts and easy to use options. Now, you can select 790+ fonts from google. And also, upload your own premium fonts to our own server.
Advanced Typography Riffel theme has advanced typography settings available at theme options panel. You can customize font weights, line heights and what ever you want to add CSS propertise easily.
Google Map Our theme extending google map appreance even more with maps API’s. Now, you can show multi stlying options within a google map area.
FontAwesome & Line Icons. Our theme includes FontAwesome icon library and Line Icons from easy icon picker field. You can select variety of icons using pre-embedded font icons library.
Child Theme By using a child theme you will ensure that your modifications are preserved. Child themes are the recommended way of modifying an existing theme. Riffel already packed with child theme!
Browser Compatible Riffel theme will ensure that, your every visitors receives the same experience across all browsers. We stickly support browser compatibility with cross OS platforms & devices.
Eurybia – Creative WordPress Portfolio Theme
400,00 ₺- Creative Hero Sections
- Import Demo Content With Only One Click
- Grid, Masonry, With or Without Space Portfolios and Gallery Styles
- Portfolio Page Examples Built-In
- Home Fullscreen Slider, HTML Video, Parallax…
- Visual Composor Page Builder with Drag and Drop layout
- Unlimited Color Styles. Create your custom color scheme with only a few clicks!
- Theme Options with Redux Framework
- Translation-ready using provided PO file
- Multilingual support using WPML plugin
- Premium Royal Preloader
- On Scroll Effect Layout
- Parallax background
- 100% Responsive
- Pricing Tables
- Blog Single Page
- Responsive layout
- One page navigation
- Parallax Effects
- Retina Ready
- Smooth Scrolling
- Responsive Design
- Responsive Video Support
- SEO Optimized
- Google Fonts Support
- Contact Form 7 Support
- Built With HTML5 and CSS3
- 400+ Icons
- Easy Setup
- CSS3 Animation
- Includes Entire Font Awesome
- Crossbrowser Compatible
- jQuery Enhanced
- Very Clearly Documentation (Step by Step)
Creatify – Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺You can see your website as a digital business card. We think that the digital first impression of your company should be perfect. We have equipped Creatify with a very versatile design, suitable for any company with any purpose. A clean, yet artistic design that will work perfectly on any device.
This is one of the many amazing features Creatify has to offer. Creatify will achieve any goal that you have in mind!
All images in Creatify are used for preview purpose only and are NOT included in the final purchase files.
Clear Sans
FEATURES Creatify is a Multipurpose and Retina Theme! Our Theme is fully responsive and easily customizable, making it pleasant to work with. Theme has been built with best practice in mind. Our goal was to develop an easy to edit, multi-purpose theme. Enjoy!
- Visual Composer Drag Drop page builder : Most advanced and Popular pagebuilder that ever built in the world. And we’ve developed 10 additional advanced element on this plugin those makes your live easier than ever.
- Easy one page sections : Applying one page style was never easy like that. You can convert your any custom pate into One Page style with a single Checkbox. Assign your important parts as a section.
- Real One click data : This is an awesome feature. You can have all the demo data with a mouse click.
- Live customize options : Powerful Live custom option but not many & boring. all those experienced options help you make any different views in a seconds.
- Custom brand color : Just pick your brand color on a picker and change aspect your whole web feeling.
- 600+ Google web fonts : Having custom fonts on your site is limitless. Just pick 2 different beautiful fonts on your heading and body fonts.
- Retina ready : Nine is absolutely retina ready and includes all the thing by vector icon fonts and css styles those looks beautiful on all retina & high resolution screens.
- Fully responsive : Nine is a fully responsive WordPress theme and aspects perfectly on all small screens and mobile devices.
- Mailchimp plugin supports : Supported a free mailchimp plugin on the footer and you can get subscription list with it.
- Contact form 7 support : Awesome free form legend. Making a form without it is a tough job. Look at contact form & Reservation form on the Restaurant page and see how you can handle them as you wanted.
- Extensive documentation : Online documentation
- Friendly & 5 star support : Timely and friendly support burns all your troubles with a reply. Just let us know your issues. And everything is gonna be alright.
Stockphoto images:
- Picjumbo
- Unsplash
- Pixabay
- IM Free
- Gratisography
- Death to Stock Photos
Borrow – Loan Company Responsive WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Borrow – Loan Company Responsive WordPress Theme – current version 1.4.4 available for download!
Are you small and local loan company and looking for a design and redesign your loan website. Borrow is specially designed to demonstrate your company’s loan product service online.
Use Borrow to build website for Loan Company, Loan Agency, Students Loan Company, Bad credit Company, Loan Advisor, Finance Manager, Banking, Loan provider and any loan related business and service provider.
Borrow is designed with unique and multiple use elements which you can easily promote your loan service, credit service, banking service, financial service.
Loan Officer WordPress Theme
Borrow is an amazing, clean and responsive its has also feature for build a loan officer site easily, why not build a loan website ? Borrow has the solution and quality feature like EMI Calculator, Compare Loan, Product Showcase, Landing pages for your online loan company, your loan agents and loan officers.
Loans and Mortgages WordPress Theme
Borrow is also the best solution for mortgage website design, Its has feature like mortgage and amortisation calculator that give your customer to create amortization schedule and download printable amortization schedule.
Loan, Mortgage and Amortization Calculator
The Loan and amortization Calculator is a professional, high quality, and highly customizable calculator and can be used for Mortgage, Auto or any kind of amortized loan.
Amortization Calculator is also support Different Currency Formats & Symbols.
EMI Calculator
Use our Loan EMI Calculator feature will help your loan customer to calculate their needs.
- 8 Completly different design
- Wide and Boxed Layout
- WPBakery Page Builder (Formerly Visual Composer) Drop & Drag page buider with 29+ custom web element for create unlimited layouts and pages.
- Import demo content with just one click
- Full demo content include
- Powerfull Theme Options with Reduxframework
- Unlimited Color Styles. Create your custom color scheme with only a few clicks!
- Translation-ready using provided .POT files
- Modern & Clean Design
- Responsive layout
- Parallax background
- Touch and swipe
- Page preloader
- Lightweight font icons
- Cross browser support
- Working on contact form 7 Free download
- Image Gallery
- Unlimited Google Fonts
- Includes Entire Font Awesome 628+ icons
- Very Clearly Documentation (Step by Step)
Credits and Attributions:
- WordPress Development by OceanThemes
- Original Design and HTML development by Jitu
Lauriel – Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme
400,00 ₺————————————————————-
LAURIEL is a truly stunning eCommerce theme we designed for all beauty websites and cosmetics shops. Aside from full WooCommerce compatibility, a gorgeous set of shop page layouts and elements is at your full disposal. If you want to create a dazzling beauty or cosmetics shop website, look no further; LAURIEL is here!Template Feature
Elementor – Elementor is a frontend page builder that will win you over as your favorite page builder because of three reasons: how easy it is to use, how fast it works and the fact that you can reach a higher level of design than other page builders. This higher level of design is reached because you get a wide variety of widgets, effects and templates to choose from, right on the free page builder.
Elementorworks on the frontend, so everything you design, whether it’s a carousel, image or video widget, is done while you see the actual result, so you don’t need to switch between the front and back end. With Elementor, you also get flexible control over the entire layout of the page, so you can design the entire page without a single line of code.
Header & Footer Builder – You can create header layouts that you want easily and use them for different purposes
Amazing Portfolio – Are you interested to make your portfolio look cooler. Showcasing your portfolio never was easier, combine easily hundred of options created by powerful theme panel and the best page builder elementor, you’ll be able to choose between three different layouts, grid, metro or carousel, each one has their own amazing options.
70+ Elements – Amazing elements ready for use in the front-end page builder Elementor, everything drag & drop.
Ajax Cart – Ajax Cart allow customers to view and manage contents in cart easily. Customers can continue shopping without reloading page. Items in the cart can be managed easily from the Mini cart. It also sync with the cart page using Ajax.
Fully Responsive – See and Work with responsive layout instantly within page builder.
Template Library– Save your page designs as templates, and reuse them on other pages. This can really speed up your workflow. You can export any template, and import it for use in other websites. This lets you share your templates with other designers.
One Click Demo Importer – A very handy feature which is added to the theme, you can import any of the demos of live preview in only one click, it won’t take more than a minute to set up. You’ll enjoy adding your content and playing with design, rather than creating everything from scratch.
No coding knowledge required – There are options for almost everything, no extra knowledge is needed to build the website of your dreams.
Revolution Slider – Slider Revolution (Revolution Slider) is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Image or Video Scene for best conversion rates or even a whole Front Page, the visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time! Desktop or mobile device! It’s included for free, you’ll save 26$.
Auto Updates – Compatible with the Envato Market Plugin, the theme can be updated easily with only one click via the dashboard menu.
Advanced Typography Options
Amazing Speed
Clean Design
Creative Blog
Powerful Shop
Parallax Effects
Fast and Reliable Support
Visual Editor
Translate Ready
Mega Menu
Unlimited Google Maps Styles
Professional Documentation
14+ Unique Demo, individually arranged and well managed as different sets. You can further mix up any components across any variants. Complete creative freedom for you.
10+ Header Layout
Ultimate Header Layout ( Header Builder )
Ultimate Header Mobile Layout
Ultimate Footer Layout
Shop Vendor
5+ Blog layout combinations ( masonry, gird, slider …. )
8+ Portfolio layout combinations ( masonry, gird, slider …. )
4+ Portfolio single item layouts
4+ Testimonial display style
8+ Team member display style
04 Coming Soon Style
One Page Support
Retina Ready
Optimizer Speed
RTL Support
Maintenance Mode integration
MegaMenu Ready
One Click Demo Install
Change header ( main menu/ footer ) layout from page to page ( post to post …)
Powerful admin interface
Highly Customizable
Slider Revolution Premium Slideshow Builder ($ 19 Value)
WPBakery Visual Composer
Easy to use drag and drop page builder
Separate header logo for standard, sticky, and mobile versions
Custom post formats: Gallery, Quote, Link, Audio, Video
Custom Post Type support
Our Team
Custom Block
Social Share functionality
Social icons widget
Portfolio ShortCodes
Multiple page options
Parallax background sections
Google Maps integrate
Styling options for elements
404 Page Customization
Back to Top
Child Theme included to help you make the most out of it.
Theme Options Powered by WordPress? Customizer
Demo content with actual images
Regular Updates
————————————————————- © 2020 La-Studio. All rights reserved.
Eco Nature – Environment & Ecology WordPress Theme
Eco Nature WordPress Theme is created to help you make world’s environment cleaner and save the nature. Unlimited design solutions can be created due to a great flexibility of settings and shortcode options. Eco Nature theme has a Portfolio that can be set to any sort of a Grid or a Masonry puzzle with variable paddings for elements, while Blog can have several different layouts too. Custom Profiles and Projects post types offer an optimal way to present your ecology content.
You can create any sort of Environment website, like a website for a ecology preserving movement, Green Earth organization, any sort of organic life project, animals saving fundraiser. Eco Nature comes with a Custom Mega Menu plugin, a really functional Form Builder and premium Revolution and Layer Slider plugins included for free. Multilanguage, RTL-ready, plugin-compatible and professionally-supported theme will make every day you work with your website be a great experience! With a special Donations functionality support, you can collect paypal donations for your ecology project, to save nature, animals and organic life.
With one click demo import you can save a lot of time and easily make your site look like our demo, or create unique and complex page layouts with custom and intuitive drag and drop page builder – no coding required.
Eco Nature theme is a perfect solution that lets easily create a ecology related website, like a website for a non-profit ecological or nature resources organization, an environment preservation company, a fundraiser for green peace or eco energy.
Resume, CV, Freelancer WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Welcome to BIO-the Resume theme from Designthemes.
A singular theme for projecting yourself for your career needs. What is better than BIO-Resume theme?
The Home page has 3 amazing variants to suit different personality styles to showcase your experience and educational qualifications. The option to download the CV of the candidate is provided so that, your employer could get a clear picture of your CV in PDF or Word document. There is also a section for providing your personal information such as dob, address, and email ids. Your experience gained could be displayed in a timeline module with a stylish languages-known module. All in all a very stylish Resume theme is available as BIO. Just go for it!
Using the single click demo import, you would be able to download all the demo content and use it as your own after adding your image and customizing it to suit your requirements.
Create engrossing content and display on your pages at will! Everything is simply the drag and drop affair using the power of Visual Composer. Resume theme offers the Slider Revolution Plugin. Creating content using these animated content creation tools, would ensure your site will have an edge over the other sites.
Slider Revolution is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Scene or even a whole Front Page. The visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time! Build Modern & Mobile-Friendly Presentations. It’s easier than you think.
Kirki is the ultimate toolkit for theme developers using the WordPress Customizer. Resume theme lets you take advantage of its advanced features and flexibility. Simply by abstracting the code, it is easy for everyone to design beautiful and meaningful UI.
It helps you save time which is great! Create you panels and sections. Customize and add fields with ease. In addition, you can easily add configurations for your projects. The ease with which you could do is the most useful part of Kirki. It helps you to automatically create CSS from your fields. All this in real time while you preview the changes via the customizer’s preview instantly. Using the automatic post-Message scripts creation!
Unyson is a free Plugin that is easy to configure. It offers the drag and drop framework coming as it does with a bundle of extensions which will work from the backend real fast and easy. Using Unyson, you can create backup and import demo content besides archiving the demo content for migration. You may actually not need separate slider Plugins as Unyson comes with 3 built in sliders for images and video. Moreover, you can create an amazing mega menu to display your menu configurations as a drop-down. In addition, using Unyson, you can create dynamic sidebars, filtering animations in portfolios, forms, breadcrumbs, SEO analysis, feedback and event management functions without opting for those Plugins!
The Visual Composer makes designing of a site into a simple drag and drop affair that everyone would simply love to get their hands on. Using the WYSIWYG-what you see is what you get-interface, it is a piece of cake to design your website like a professional!
Includes Visual Composer premium add-on elements like Icon boxes, model Popups, Info Box, Interactive Banner, Flip Box, Info List & Counter. Best of all, it provides a Font Icon Manager allowing users to upload/delete custom icon fonts. Parallax, Video Backgrounds, Row effects, CSS3 animations, icon fonts and much more!
The drag and drop page builder makes everyone a designer without the coding know-how! The power of visual composer is integrated into Resume Theme. Create pages quickly with few clicks in few minutes with the help of Visual Composer and custom Resume shortcodes.
This Plugin helps to clean up the WordPress database. It does the job by removing “revision”, “draft”, “auto draft”, “moderated comments” ,”spam comments”, “trash comments”, “orphan post-meta”, “orphan comment-meta”, “orphan relationships”, and “dashboard transient feed”. WP Clean Up enables you to optimize your WordPress database without the need of coding by phpMyAdmin.
Akismet anti spam is used by millions as Akismet offers the best protection from spammers. Protect your blog from spam using Akismet which keeps your site protected even while you sleep! It is simple to get started with Akismet. Just activate the Akismet plugin and set up your API key in Akismet Settings. It is that simple!
BIO Resume theme offers a plethora of shortcodes to configure your modules like tabs, accordions, buttons, and tooltips. The shortcodes offered in Resume is mind boggling. Well, almost every conceivable need has been analyzed and these shortcodes have been included. All the requirements of your site for Blockquotes, Buttons & Lists, Carousel, Columns, Contact Info, Content Shortcodes, Custom Posts, Fancy Boxes, Icon Boxes, Image With Caption, Miscellaneous, Number Counter, Pricing Table, Progress Bar, Tabs & Toggles, Team, Testimonials, Carousel Testimonials, Timeline and Typography.
Using contact form 7 design as many forms with unlimited number of input row fields in your form. You can design your own forms and limit spam and increase conversion. When you are running a site, there may be different requirements for forms to be configured from time to time. Contact Form 7 handles all.
With more than 600+ Google webfonts and the FontAwesome icons, you can set any color or size on your site and design your pages at will. You will become a professional designer by adding Google Fonts with typography field. In addition, you could add tooltips to help your users.
Using the extensive documentation, knowledge base and video tutorials you can get any clarification you may require about the BIO-Resume theme, 24/7.
RibTun – WordPress Blog Theme For Writers
400,00 ₺With RibTun WordPress blog theme for writers you will get a modern blog, with a lot of customizable options. Its emphasis is on your writing so the blog will look perfect even without any images. Popular Revolution Slider plugin for presenting your beautiful creations and photographs is also included. With RibTun, you will be in the elite company with other top WordPress blog themes. Are you a writer? Then you absolutely need to buy a theme designed specifically with that in mind and RibTun is the perfect blog theme for you!
RibTun is a text-based WordPress theme created for bloggers that just want to write, without the hassle of looking for the right images. It has a unique design based on beautiful typography which will make your website look good with or without images. The outcome is a minimal and sophisticated theme for you to show your fine writings or just scribblings. Typography adds a special touch to the theme. Each demo has it’s own typography combination, all to make it easier for you. Simply choose the one that you like the best.
Magsy – Modular Magazine & Blog Theme
400,00 ₺Magsy is a clean, minimal & well-optimized modular WordPress theme which suits magazine and blog sites.
It means you can build your homepage using Magsy’s custom pre-built modules. It’s like a page builder, but with less distraction. All modules were built by following WordPress’ widget architecture which means you will already be familiar with. Possibilities are endless – mix them together and create your own styles, be creative. Or import our demo site and use it as a starting point. All the homepage versions on our demo site were built by modules.
Posts in the modules can be filtered by category, tag and ordered by date, like count, view count, comment count, title, ID or randomized.
- Minimal design, less distraction
- Customizable modules
- Gutenberg (WordPress 5.0) ready
- Color branding
- Live Customizer settings
- Fully responsive design
- Great performance
- Lazy loading, dynamic image sizes
- Parallax effect
- Post views & likes
- Post sharing (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, VK, Pocket, Telegram)
- Instagram integration
- Custom widgets
- Ads integration
- Header styles (sticky, transparent, static & sticky+transparent)
- Hero section
- Mega & dropdown menu
- Various post layouts
- Gallery, video & audio formats
- Retina ready
- Great typography
- 1-click demo import
- Pagination styles (numeric, load more button, infinite scroll & standard navigation)
- Translation ready
- Related posts
- Up-to-date online documentation (https://mondotheme.ticksy.com/articles/100013272)
Heylone – One Page Parallax WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Heylone is a one page fully responsive WordPress theme designed and developed for business, portfolio or personal websites.
- Change the layout of the one page template by just changing the page order
- Manage portfolio items in an easy to use drag drop placer
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Retina Ready & Fully Responsive
- 3 Homepage Versions
- 12 Prebuilt Color Schemes and choose any color of your choice
- Unlimited Color Options
- Working Contact Form
- Expandable Portfolio Items
- Font Awesome Web-Font Icons
- Multiple Carousels Effects
- Full Width Video Support
- XML dummy data install file
- SEO Optimised
- Touch/swipe support for sliders
- Retina Ready
- Top Notch Support
- Compatible with all latest browsers
- Responsive Pricing Tables
- Twitter Feed
Pressroom – News and Magazine WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Pressroom is a highly configurable and responsive WordPress Theme best suitable for magazine, newspaper, news, blog, publishing or review site. The Theme comes with drag & drop page builder: Visual Composer for WordPress, so it’s super easy to build any page layout.
Features List
- jQuery Powered
- Responsive Layout
- Wide And Boxed Website Layouts
- Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress (Value of $33) Included
- 60+ Page Builder Content Elements to Build Your Unique Layouts
- 25+ Custom Pressroom Page Builder Components
- Smart Sticky Sidebar / Columns
- Offset and Featured Posts
- One Click Demo Content Importer
- Customizable Theme Option Panel
- Light, Dark And High Contrast Color Skins
- 15 Predefined Header Styles
- WooCommerce Integration
- RTL (Right-to-Left Text Direction) Mode Supported
- Uber Menu Compatible
- Sticky Menu
- Mobile Touch Friendly Sliders and Carousels
- Build in Color Picker to Customize the Theme Color Scheme
- Boxed Pattern or Background Image Support With / Without Overlay Layer
- 800+ Google Fonts to Choose From
- Ajax Contact Form
- 6 Home Page Styles
- Multiple Post Formats
- 7 Blog Layouts
- 10 Page Templates
- Valid HTML5 Code
- Crossbrowser Compatible
- Clean Design
- 36 Social Icons To Choose From
- 20 Features Icons To Choose From
- Documentation Included
Fish House | A Stylish Seafood Restaurant / Cafe
400,00 ₺Fish House – responsive, refined, & clean WordPress Theme. It has an attractive, modern and functional design and will be an ideal solution for Seafood Restaurant or any other kind of food-related business, firm or agency. The theme can be suitable for any cafe shop, tavern, wine bar, lounge store or modern cuisine restaurant. Fish House is focused on showcasing info about menu, events, ingredients, booking table and delivery service.
Seafood Cafe, Bar, Restaurant WordPress Theme features
The theme has an intuitive visual interface and informative layout that looks wonderful on any platform since it’s fully responsive and Retina ready.
Awesome restaurant menu management Advanced Booking Forms Full Woocommerce store compatibility Premade modules: locations, products, team, chef Dozens of useful shortcodes & gallery styles
Seafood Restaurant, Bar, Cafe WordPress Theme plugins
Fish House is compatible with a bundle of premium plugins: WooCommerce, Revolution Slider, Essential Grid, Booking Calendar, WPBakery Page Builder and PO Composer to make it easy for you to setup and manage your Seafood Restaurant website.
Markety – SEO & Digital Marketing WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Markety – Theme Overview
Markety – SEO & Digital Marketing WordPress Theme is designed especially for marketing that offers SEO, Marketing and Finance services as well as other internet marketing related services.
Markety has the beautiful and unique design that will be best suited for your online web presence. This WordPress theme comes with necessary pages for your online presence like projects, blog, testimonial and shop pages etc. Besides, you can modify pages right in front end using Visual Composer Plugin.
Designed according to all the latest trends and techniques, this theme will make your site a real stand out. If you wish to sell software or digital goods via your website, we’ve made the theme compatible with WooCommerce. Give it a try!
- Modern, Clean & Elegant Design
- Extremely easy to setup and configure
- Advanced Typography Option (manage it from theme option)
- Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress (worth – $34)
- Slider Revolution (worth – $19)
- OnePage and Multipage
- 1 OnePage demo
- 5 unique multi homepage
- 6 different modern portfolio style
- 2 different header style
- 4 different footer style
- 6+ different page header title style
- 100+ pages
- 100+ shortcode elements
- Page preloader
- RTL Ready
- SEO optimized
- Microdata added
- MailChimp Subscription
- WPML Supported
- WooCommerce Supported
- Unlimited Preset color
- Customizable Page Settings (able to change header style, footer style, header title style and sidebar from page)
- Sidebar Generator – create any number of sidebars
- Translation Ready
- SEO Plugin Compatibility (SEO Yoast, All in One SEO and others SEO Plugin)
- Mega Menu Support with flexible grid system
- Powerful Redux admin option
- Drag & Drop Page Builder – do everything you want
- Post Format Support: Standard, Aside, Image, Video, Gallery, Link, Quote, Status, Chat
- Retina-ready graphics.
- Contact Form 7.
- Bootstrap framework.
- Fully responsive to give a perfect user experience on all devices.
- W3C validate.
- Font Icon (Fontawesome and FlatIcon)
- Cross-browser support.
- Attractive CSS animation.
- Google Fonts used: Use any google font from the options panel.
- Extensive documentation (Text and Video)
- Excellent customer support – We care about your site as much as you and will help in any way possible.
Voux Fashion Shopping Theme
400,00 ₺Voux is a professional WooCommerce shopping theme for WordPress built with Bootstrap and powered by Visual Composer. The theme is suitable for any kind of shop raging from clothes to electronics thanks to it’s minimalist design, it’s main focus on images and custom modules specially created for easy content creation. The primary colors used are black and light grey specially chosen because of their visual influence on the user and their contribution to a better browsing and shopping experience.
- Minimalist design
- 7 different homepage styles
- 7 different homepage sliders (Revolution Slider powered)
- 3 Portfolio styles (fitrows, masonry, carousel – with classic pagination or load more button)
- 3 Blog styles (fitrows, masonry, list – with classic pagination or load more button)
- Contact page template
- Page options
- Unlimited Colors (Customize fonts, colors, backgrounds)
- Typography control (System fonts and Google fonts)
- Visual Composer builder
- HTML (Valid) & CSS3 animations
- Built with Bootstrap
- Responsive design (Mobile, Tablet and Desktops supported)
- SEO Optimized
- Extensive theme options
- Custom widgets
- Translation Ready with a .po file or WPML
- Multi level dropdown menu
- Cross browser compatible
- Child theme support
- Extensive documentation
- Demo content available (one click import)
- Import/export feature to backup your theme settings.
Crab & Spice
400,00 ₺Crab & Spice is a clean attractive Cafe & Restaurant WordPress Theme. It perfectly fits contemporary restaurant, cafe, bar, diner, food delivery, catering etc. Also it works for any cuisine european and asian (european, japanese, chinese, korean quesene). It covers most of the restaurant menus (sea food, rolls, sushi house, fish). Cafe & Restaurant WordPress Theme features *2 table reservation styles: booking calendar & table scheme booking *Restaurant menu management *Woocommerce store of food & meals *Restaurant & cafe events & news management *Cafe team, services & gallery modules With the theme you are able to showcase the menu of your restaurant, displaying description, price, ingredients, dishes and nutrition. Also, visitors can easily make reservations online due to integration on the booking plugin.
400,00 ₺Multi-Skin Craftsmanship & Handmade WordPress Theme Craftis is a stylish, clean, modern, and minimal Multi-Skin WordPress theme for craftsmen, artisans, and other creatives who want to present and sell their craftwork and handmade goods beautifully. Similar to Etsy, you can use our theme to sell handcrafted goods, furniture, handmade work, art, decor, porcelain, pottery, handmade homeware and houseware, clothing, bags, purses, accessories, jewelry such as necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and more.
Our theme is also an excellent choice for such handcrafted goods as toys, postcards, vases, clocks, decorative cushions, vintage goods, spa products, handmade soap, tailored suits, carpentry, woodwork, etc. The theme is fully integrated with WooCommerce, and uses Elementor as its main page builder.
69 Clothing
400,00 ₺If you are a fashion retailer or company that sells on the Internet, here is a modern and stylish solution – 69 Clothing. 69 Clothing is a responsive, modern, attractive & alluring e-commerce WordPress theme. It is built for an online brand store of clothing, lingerie agency, and accessories firm, or online fashion boutique. Fashion Boutique WordPress Theme features The theme is packed with lots of pre-designed pages to display your main services, your store’s range, its gallery and its news, etc. It features two styles of Homepage – fullwidth and boxed, as well as boxed and fullwidth Store pages.
- beautiful homepage layouts *Outstanding Collections & Gallery premade pages *Advanced Contact Forms *Full Woocommerce store compatibility
Pisces – Multi Concept Creative Theme
400,00 ₺————————————————————-
Template Feature-
20 Unique Demo, individually arranged and well managed as different sets. You can further mix up any components across any variants. Complete creative freedom for you.
6+ Header Layout
Ultimate Header Mobile Layout
Ultimate Footer Layout
10+ Blog layout combinations ( masonry, gird, slider …. )
10+ Portfolio layout combinations ( masonry, gird, slider …. )
6+ Portfolio single item layouts
5+ Testimonial display style
5+ Team member display style
02 Coming Soon Style
One Page Support
Retina Ready
Optimizer Speed
RTL Support
MegaMenu Ready
One Click Demo Install
Change header ( main menu/ footer ) layout from page to page ( post to post …)
Powerful admin interface
Highly Customizable
Slider Revolution Premium Slideshow Builder ($ 19 Value)
WPBakery Visual Composer
Easy to use drag and drop page builder
Separate header logo for standard, sticky, and mobile versions
Custom post formats: Gallery, Quote, Link, Audio, Video
Custom Post Type support
Our Team
Custom Block
Social Share functionality
Social icons widget
Portfolio ShortCodes
Multiple page options
Parallax background sections
Google Maps integrate
Styling options for elements
404 Page Customization
Back to Top
Child Theme included to help you make the most out of it.
Theme Options Powered by WordPress? Customizer
Demo content with actual images
Regular Updates
Customization Options
- Pisces can be customized easily using LA Framework. It has a powerful theme options panel and WordPress customize. The theme also bundles custom tailored version of revolutionary Visual Composer which allows users to build various page layouts with minimum effort.
- Fully Customizable design and layout
- Visual Composer Drag-and-drop page builder bundled ( Save $25 )
- Lots of Custom Visual Composer Elements to work with
- Upload your Logo and Favicon
- Translation Ready
- WPML Compatible
- Integrated with Google Fonts
- ntegrated with Font Awesome icons
WooCommerce Features
- Pisces is very nicely integrated with WooCommerce and provide lot of additional features.
- 04 Product Grid Layout
- 04 Product List Layout
- 05 Product Details Layout
- Product Wishlist integration
- Product Comparison integration
- Visual Attributes integration
- SEO Optimized
- Additional Widgets to filter by WooCommerce Attributes.
- Ajax Shop
- Product Image 360
- Custom Product Label
- WooCommerce Product Color Swatch
- WooCommerce Product Color Swatch Gallery Images
- WooCommerce Product Images Swatch
- WooCommerce Product Video Thumbnail
- Product List Color Attribute Filter
- Quick View Product
- Custom Product Filters
- VC Vendors, Dokan Compatible ————————————————————-
© 2017 La-Studio. All rights reserved.
Caliris – Responsive One Page WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Caliris is modern one page WordPress theme suitable for any creative person or agency. It is full responsive to fit any screen size. This colorful theme comes with Portfolio and Team custom posts type which content is loading using ajax on front single page (big front one page). This awesome feature makes this one page WordPress theme unique.
- Child Theme Included
- Unique Design
- Responsive Layout to Fit Any Screen Size
- XML demo content file
- Portfolio Post Type
- Team Post Type
- Loading content using Ajax
- 9 Premade Sections
- Smooth Scroll
- Simple Image Slider
- Easy translations .POT – Loco Translate compatible
- Multi Language support (multilingual) – WPML and Polylang
- Easy to Customize
- Fully compatible for all major browsers
- Well Documented
Sorbroix : Business Consulting WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Sorbroix Business Consulting WordPress theme developed specifically for all type of consulting business, finance business and startup company etc. Sorbroix is best suited for consulting firm, corporate business, insurance company, loan, tax help, investment firm etc. Sorbroix Theme has beautiful and unique design that will be best suited for your online web presence.
One Click Demo Importer
With demo data importer, you will be set up and ready to customize your site in minutes.
Page Builder
Page Builder for WordPress is drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin that will save you tons of time working on the site content.
Fully Responsive
What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. Pedosis theme is fully responsive layout for all type of devices.
Redux Theme Option
Our theme provides very easy and comprehensive set of theme options that will help you configure and modify the things around your website more easily.
600+ Google Fonts
Change the look and feel of your website with the included custom Google Font options. Use our theme option panel to change the fonts for your body, header, heading, menu.
Supmax – Health & Supplement Elementor WordPress
400,00 ₺Supmax Health & Supplement WordPress theme specifically for Gym, Fitness, Supplements, Crossfit, Sports & Nutrition, Supplement Landing, Medicine Affiliate, Body Enhancement Product, Weight Loss & Diet Product etc.
We built this theme on Elementor, a very convenient drag-n-drop for WordPress. It should provide you with the smoothest experience while creating your website with our theme. The WordPress theme is responsive, you can view it also in the mobile/tablets devices and it looks very in more devices.
One Click Demo Importer
With demo data importer, you will be set up and ready to customize your site in minutes.
Supmax is the most compatible theme with elementor page builder which is recommended by their official recommended page.
Fully Responsive
What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. Pedosis theme is fully responsive layout for all type of devices.
Redux Theme Option
Our theme provides very easy and comprehensive set of theme options that will help you configure and modify the things around your website more easily.
600+ Google Fonts
Change the look and feel of your website with the included custom Google Font options. Use our theme option panel to change the fonts for your body, header, heading, menu.
ZoxPress – The All-In-One WordPress News Theme
400,00 ₺Main Features
- 15 One-Click Demo Import Layouts: 3 Entertainment, 3 Network/Politics, 3 Sports, 3 Fashion, and 3 Tech
- 100 Layout & Style Combinations to make the theme your own!
- Auto Load Posts
- Day/Night Mode
- Parallax Inline Article Ads
- Over 50 Header Options
- 14 Post Layouts
- Google AMP Ready
- WooCommerce Compatible
- SportsPress Compatible
- 900+ Google Fonts
- $81 in Plugins Included, Free!
- Fully Responsive
- Featured Headlines
- Retina Ready
- Sticky Featured Videos
- Unlimited Ad Units
Complete List of Features
- Compatible with WordPress 5.4+
- SEO Optimized
- RTL Ready
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Translation ready (contains .po/.mo files)
- Child Theme included
- One-Click Demo Import with XML dummy data (posts, tags, categories, menus, dummy images)
- Easy implementation with Google Adsense ads
- Unlimited Colors
- Youtube, Vimeo, and Soundcloud integration
- Schema.org Rich Snippets
- Custom Fly-Out Navigation
- bbPress compatible
- Infinite Scroll
- Custom Theme Options panel
- Custom CSS section in Theme Options so users will not lose custom changes to CSS when you update to a new version
- Full-Width Posts
- Megamenus
- Facebook comments support
- Built-In Disqus comments support
- Free lifetime updates
- Custom copyright/footer text
- In-depth documentation
- And so much more!
400,00 ₺Larch is a beautiful modern theme with eye catching design and super strong framework behind. This All-In-One package includes premium plugins, unlimited customizability, built-in mega menu, full WooCommerce design integration, typographic options with over 800+ Google fonts, robust admin panel with hundreds of options, tons of useful visual page builder elements and ready layouts available with just 1 click!
Visual Page Builder Larch come with famous visual page builder, Visual Composer for WordPress is drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin that will save you tons of time working on the site content. No programming knowledge required!
Fully Responsive Larch looks great on any device, from mobile to desktop and beyond. Super Clean responsive design fits to any screen. Try resize your browser window and see for yourself!
Powerful Admin Panel Larch come with a strong admin panel + admin style options, where you can change the overall options of the theme, logos, colors, menus, languages, social, etc
One / Multipage System Larch allow you to have multipage or one page websites or even both systems at the same time! Simply choose the template of your page and organize the order with the wp menus. Easy!
Theme Features
- 18 Beautiful Homes
- 6 OnePages
- One-Click Demo Install
- Gutenberg Compatible
- Upper templates for fast page building
- Drag & Drop page builder
- Header / Menu Options
- Sticky Nav
- Mega Menu Built In
- 60+ Page Builder Elements / Shortcodes
- Tons of Designed Pages Available
- Ready for WordPress 5.4+ Tested and Approved
- Revolution Slider Included (Save 25$) (Addons are not Included)
- Visual Composer Included (Save 34$) (VC Template Addons are not Included)
- Ultimate VC Addons Included (Save 25$)
- Cube Portfolio Included (Save 17$)
- 100% Responsive Layout
- Retina Ready
- WooCommerce 100% compatible
- Unlimited Colors & Styles
- Advanced Footer Options
- Clean & Modern Design
- Advanced Customization / Theme Options
- Multiple Blog Designs
- Advanced Blog Options
- Advanced Search Options with AJAX Results!
- Multi-Lingual / RTL Ready
- Multiple Premium Slider Options
- Built with HTML5 & CSS3
- Compatible with Many Popular Plugins
- Cross-Browser Compatibility FireFox, Safari, Chrome, Edge, IE10, IE11
- Child Theme Compatible – includes basic child theme!
- Multiple Portfolio Designs
- 7 Built-in Custom Widgets
- Photo gallery with pop-up and full screen support
- Popular Plugin Design Integration
- WPML Ready
- Translation ready with po/mo files
- Google Page Speed Optimized
- Advanced Typography Options
- Excellent Customer Support
- Frequent updates with new features
- Google Map Integrated
- Support videos from any major services (YouTube, Vimeo)
- Support audio from any major services (SoundCloud)
- Google Web Fonts, System
- Integrated Font Awesome icons
- Built-in Social Feeds
- SEO Optimized
- Unlimited Sidebars, Left / Right
- Custom Sidebars per page/post
- Custom Page / Post Options
Pedona – Fashion & Sport Theme for WordPress
400,00 ₺Pedona Responsive WordPress theme is next generation sneakers and fashion shop theme. This theme supports the latest WooCommerce theme with modern design and clean code. It has a fully responsive width adjusts automatically to any screen size or resolution.
Pedona theme offers 5 premade layouts to give you the best choices. The theme includes plugins and features to provide you more capacity to develop a website. First of all, Megamenu Customer supports to keep menu on top with ability to redirects the user to CMS pages, Category pages, and any external URL via the top level/sub level menu items. It will help visitors to have a good time shopping at your store. Next, this theme also has a image slideshow, which is perfect for showing offers and deals, along with overlaying text and buttons. Moreover, New Products allows you to show up products in a responsive carousel. Category Tab Slider allows you to showcase your product’s category in a tabbed format. With Instagram images block module, customer can easily discover your Instagram photos directly on your website. In additionally, Quick View and Add to cart at home page save much more time for anyone come to your site. Very fast, very convenient and very, very effective.
Check out more interesting features of it. You’ll love it!
- WordPress 5.x + Ready
- WooCommerce 4.x Ready
- WPML supported
- Fully Responsive, your website will works on almost device
- Powered by Redux framework, bring to you unlimited color and Google fonts options
- Mega menu supported
- Multi home page layouts
- 5 pre-defined home page layouts
- Multiple blog layouts for your choice
- Box layout and full width layout
- Sample background images
- Color presets included
- Header & footer layouts by Visual Composer
- Suitable for digital, organic, construction store
- Social icon links
- Error 404 page included
- Unlimited custom sidebars. Left and right sidebar options
- Quality checked by Envato
- Well documented
- Sample content available to help you build your website with demo content
WooCommerce Supports
- WooCommerce 4 Ready
- Wishlists, Ajax shopping cart
- Product Quick View
- Product image zoom
- Filter by size, color, material
- Products carousel, latest posts carousel
- Product images lightbox for details page
- Grid view and list view for shop page
- Suitable for digital, organic, construction store
- Contact page
- About page
- Services page
- 3 blog layouts and post formats (audio, video, gallery, image)
Extra plugins
- Visual Composer
- Mega Main Menu
- Revolution Slider
- Essential Grid
- Templatera
- Wishlist optional feature
- Products compare
- MailPoet
- Mailchimp for WordPress
- Contact Form 7
Startup Company – Business & Technology WP Theme
Startup Company theme is a unique tool to kickstart your project, either a software development it company, or a product startup or any other it or tech business. Startup Company WordPress theme includes all the necessary features – powerful custom portfolio options to showcase your technology projects, Events functionality for scheduling business events, blog with lots of options so that you could blog about it and technology innovations and business ideas. Startup Company is a business and corporate theme for all sorts of innovative companies and startups – breakthrough design and top-notch functionality will make your startup successful from the very first day!
Startup Company Business WP theme features powerful functionality within a custom WordPress admin panel, empowered by Cmsmasters Visual Content Composer – a unique tool, loved by thousands of our customers. Main features include but are not limited to:
- Unlimited color variations for website elements
- Unique color scheme system (quick color setup for the whole website)
- Full compatibility with The Events Calendar
- Fully integrated WooCommerce section
- Google fonts
- Custom Post Types
- Team profiles
- Three blog layouts to choose from
- Masonry puzzle and grid portfolio
- 100+ shortcodes in visual admin
- Drag-and-drop shortcode builder
- Custom Mega Menu plugin included for free
- Custom Form Builder
- Translatable
- …and much more inside!
With one click demo import you can save a lot of time and easily make your site look like our demo, or create unique and complex page layouts with custom and intuitive drag and drop page builder – no coding required.
Mental | Art & Portfolio Theme
400,00 ₺Area of Usage
You can use this portfolio template for: agency, sound and music, personal portfolio, architect agency, photography studios, design studios, musican, painter portfolio, modeling agency, expanding gallery, products showcase, artworks, art, artist portfolio, web design works, illustrators, sport, trainer, coach, projects, blog, freelance designer even escorting gallery for escort agency etc. Most people who search for fine art, film direction, producer, sport, events, wedding, minimal, minimalist, minimalistic, hero sliders, decor, souvenir, decoration, handmade may find this theme suitable for their needs.
Minimalistic Design
A minimalist yet completed artist WordPress portfolio theme with a strong focus into the details, built on top of Assembly. Mentas come with Visual Composer drag and drop page builder, through which you can create impressive page layouts, it allows any single element in every page to be re-arranged and re-sized at your will. Minimal means minimalistic design approach
Colors Variations
Mentas theme options allow to use any variations of custom colors, additionally it include predefined colors sets such as – brown, black, white, cream, chocolate, blue, green, orange, yellow, silver, bisque, grey, gray, cyan, coral, crimson, dark blue, dim gray, pink, ivory, khaki, light sky blue, navy, purple, violet
Extended Feature List
- 100% responsive & retina ready
- Visual Composer – Drag & Drop Page Builder (Save 34$)
- Revolution Slider Included (Save 19$)
- Layer Slider Included (Save 18$)
- Bootstrap 3
- Flexible theme config system
- One-Click Demo Install
- Shortcode Ultimate
- WooCommerce 2.2.8 and up ready
- WPML Ready
- Unlimited typography – Google Font, Custom Font, Adobe Typerkit
- Color picker to change skin
- Clean HTML5 & CSS3 code
- Dummy-data included
- Video page + Video Background
- 3 Onepage versions
- 3 menu types
- 3 Layout Types
- 5 Homepage Versions
- 6 Versions of Portfolio Work view
- 4 Versions of Portfolio Gallery Styles – Masonry, Pinterest, Grid, Expanding
- Unlimited Color Option
- 2 blog layout types
- SEO Ready
- Working Contact Form
- 100+ of Interactive Elements
- Accordions & Toggles
- Animations
- Revealed Sidebar
- Buttons & Social Icons
- Carousels & Sliders
- HTML5 Video – http://www.videojs.com/
- Charts
- Content Band
- Featured Box
- Font Awesome Icons
- Elegant icon fonts
- Custom Google Maps
- Media
- Notification
- Events
- Albums
- Cases Person
- Posts Sliders
- Pricing and Data Tables
- Premium Sliders
- Progress Bars
- Recent Posts
- Slides
- Tabs
- Testimonials
History – Museum & Exhibition WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺- Drag and Drop Page Builder ( Visual Composer )
- Revolution Slider
- Custom Visual Composer Elemets
- One click Demo setup
- RTL Support
- WordPress Live Customizer
- WooCommerce
- Super Clean Responsive Design
- Powerful, Easy to Use, Admin Panel and Theme Options
- Translation Ready (.po/.mo files included)
- Custom Widgets
- SEO optimized HTML structure
- Powerful Page and Post Meta Options
- Child Theme Ready
- Documentation Included
- Based on Bootstrap 3.x
- Contact form 7
- Portfolio
- Google Map
- Testimonial Carousel
- Clients Carousel
FlatHost WordPress Hosting Theme + WHMCS
400,00 ₺Flathost Responsive Hosting WordPress Theme with WHMCS. Designed with latest Bootstrap 3.2.0
- Drag & Drop Page Builder
- WHMCS-Bridge plugin compatible
- Domain search form
- Zompim live chat compatible
- WPML compatible
- 100% Responsive
- custom widgets
- Translation Ready
- Google fonts
- Font Awesome and much more..
Zuut – Clean Agency WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Zuut is a clean minimal creative theme that suits any kind of business and corporate sites. Theme comes with Visual Composer and Revolution slider those enrich power of this theme. Live option help you to manage and style your site easily and quickly.
- Visual Composer
- Revolution Slider
- Live customzie options
- Advanced page title options
- Portfolio post type
- Translation ready
- Retina ready
- Contact form 7 supports
- One Click Data
- Google Fonts
- Advanced Visual composer elements
- Responsive
- WPML supports
Sport Shop – Sporting Club RTL WooCommerce Theme
400,00 ₺Features List:
Drop & Drag element buider page Header/Footer custom design Custom Logo Specific page Mutil menu style Custom Menu color Create your own siderbar Mutil home page layout Dynamic siderbar(Left, Right or none) Live search ajax on/off Woocommerce Catalog Mode integrate Custom main color Custom header/footer specific page Shop style Grid & List Scroll top button On/Off 40+ styles grid post Menu Sticky On/Off Custom CSS Custom header image page Custom breadcrumb Post format Customizer One click import demo data Add Google fonts Theme Option Blog tempalte + element RTL support SEO Optimized Social Sharing Features Homepage Layouts: More Amazing Concepts Are Coming Soon! Fully Responsive (Tested on Multiple Devices) Modern & Clean Design Mega Menu Master Animation element/item Validate HTML5 Code Cross-browser compatibility: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE 9+ Flat Design Style Documentation + FAQ Page FAST Support & Updates PSD include And Much Much More? Product/Shop features:
Shop filter ajax On/Off Mini cart ajax Product trending Wishlist click notification 2 style display attribute product Custom shop column 20+ styles grid product Custom size thumbnail with product list Custom shop number Widget filter with shop Products list element Products tab element Widget filter Plugins uses:
Contact Form 7 Woocommerce Visual Composer (save $34) Option Tree MailChimp for WordPress Lite Yith Woocommerce Compare Yith Woocommerce Wishlist 7up Core Plugins compatible:
WPML Multilingual CMS WC Marketplace WC Vendors Loco Translate Polylang Yoast SEO Some Dokan Plugins Some YITH Plugins Woo Multi Currency More+++ Free Psd:
Baque – Multipurpose Onepage Creative WP Theme
400,00 ₺Main Features
- WPBakery Page Builder support
- Revolution Slider full integration
- The WordPress Multilingual Plugin (WPML) capabilities
- Contact Form 7
- Bootstrap integration
- Fresh and modern design
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Full responsive
- 12-columns grid system
- Demo content XML import
- Demo content database import
- Layout structure control
- Fully customizable content layouts
- Customizable main layout
- Customizable headers
- Customizable footer
- Customizable content area
- Customizable sidebar
- Modal Windows
- Great shortcodes collection
- Child theme ready
- Working contact forms with full validation
- MailChimp integration
- FontAwesome icons integration
- Aminated Icons
- Most popular icon font sets included. Almost 4,000 icons in total
- Google Map integration
- Google Fonts support
- Main Settings
- Header Settings
- Page Title Settings
- Sidebar Settings
- Footer Settings
- Widgets Ready
- Carousel Builder
- Galleries Builder
- Portfolio Builder
- Well organized source code
- Detailed documentation
- Professional support +And much much more…
Shade Garden Blog – Creative Blog WordPress Theme
400,00 ₺Shade Garden Blog is a creative WordPress blog theme with an elegant, carefully crafted design. The theme was designed with the mobile first design, meaning it was designed for mobile from the beginning and was adapted for bigger screen afterward. This result in a beautiful experience for the users, on all devices.
- Responsive design blog theme (mobile first design)
- Multiple Featured posts sliders
- Unlimited colors & typography options
- Sidebar options (on/off, left or right)
- 5 Blog Post Layouts
- Support for Contact Form 7
- Extremely easy to set up and import demo (no coding required)
- 100% Translation & RTL ready
- And everything you might want to create a simple blog theme
Pillar – Multi-Concept Responsive WordPress Theme
Pillar is the newest Responsive WordPress Theme by tommus & includes over 110 ready to use demo pages and over 160 sections for multi-page or one page WordPress websites and landing pages. Convert visitors with SEO-friendly markup. Pillar is the only salient choice, enfold your content in it, your visitors will thank you. Pillar is based on Bootstrap, the ubiquitous responsive website framework, so you’ll feel right at home using a familiar grid structure to create everything from responsive corporate sites and business landing pages to personal resume and masonry portfolio sites with buttery-smooth parallax effects.
With full color control and 1 click color options you can create a website for your brand in seconds, and for instant pages use Visual Composer to whip up layouts and prototype designs for clients in record time with absolute ease. Visual Composer is the worlds most popular plugin for drag and drop page building in WordPress and we’re proud to include it for you, FREE!
Pillar was built on the same framework as our top selling, award winning theme Foundry so you can guarantee a quick and easy to use experience with Pillar for WordPress.
Meet Pillar. Your Ultimate Design Toolkit
Pillar is an expansive, carefully crafted collection of stylish pages and content blocks. Featuring over 100 styled, ready to use demo pages and over 130 unique content blocks, Pillar empowers you to build visually beautiful pages powered by semantically beautiful markup. With extensive styling for portfolios, blogs, shops and landings – Pillar comfortably suits all common website styles.
Fast, intuitive page building with Visual Composer
What you see is exactly what you get… Build in real-time using a vast array of meticulously designed blocks in Visual Composer, the most popular page builder for WordPress. Quickly mock up ideas and experiment with layouts in real-time, then enjoy your page no junk code and no inline style. Save your nav and footer to assemble your whole site in seconds – just apply the same nav and footer to each page, or, switch it up on a per page basis. Build one-page sites by easily linking your nav items to sections on the page!
Smooth parallax is just one click away – switch parallax on in any section that has an image background.Goodbye, Scrolljank! We’ve gone to great lengths to improve cross-platform user experience, developing an in-house scrolling plugin that integrates hardware accelerated parallax. Developed using all available browsers on both Windows and OSX, we’ve achieved smooth scrolling on trackpads and mouse wheels that feels natural and unobtrusive. It’s so good you won’t notice it’s there.
Who is it for?
Designer, Architect, Digital Agencies, Creative Agencies, Realtor, Photographer, Freelancer, Blogger, Property Management Services Company, Commercial Space, Retail and Office Center, Business Center, Artists, people who sell goods online or just feeling creative. Pillar is absolutely what you have been waiting for.
Pillar is a truly multipurpose theme, you can use it for absolutely any business or personal website. Just want a blog? Pillar has you covered. Use Pillar for your next Event Website, for Landing Pages, for a Meetup, you name it and Pillar can be made into it. It is ultra professional, smooth and sleek, with a clean modern layout, for almost any need: agency, freelance, blog, magazine, portfolio, photography, corporate and ecommerce shop.
Pillar Multipurpose WordPress Theme Features
Latest WordPress Version always supported, currently 4.8+
Fantastic, 5 star rated support
Infinite page layout possibilities
Hundreds of custom elements, blog feeds, portfolio feeds etc.
Simple, 1-Click color options
Beautifully organised, powerful theme options panel
WordPress Live Customizer based theme options
Hundreds of theme options available
Developer friendly code
SEO optimised design
Fully responsive, beautiful design with an emphasis on readability
Visual Composer Included, Free
Masonry layouts
Owl Carousel elements
Multiple header options
Multiple footer options
Change header and footer on a per page basis
Single page, one page site capabilities
Google fonts compatibility
Ready for WooCommerce & Tickera
Works with Contact Form 7 & Gravity Forms
Sharp and professional retina image integrations
Adaptive images
Responsive, powerful grid system
Social Icon Ready
Modular, Extensive headers
Social Sharing ready
Handpicked, beautiful vector icons
Pixel perfect design
Nearly 2 hours of custom video documentation
Online written documentation, ready to get you started right away
Speedy support with average response times of less than 6 hours
Fast loading! In Pillar we’ve blown the competition away with our quick loading times.
Build multi-page sites and one-page sites
20+ Uniquely designed and styled home pages
130+ Blocks & Options in Visual Composer Page Builder
Boxed or wide layouts via a single option
Square or Round buttons via a single option
Over 2000 icons to choose from including the premium Icons Mind icon kit – worth $59
Multi-column "mega-menu" and double-level drop-down menus
Traditional nav bar and ‘offscreen’ nav types – all responsive for mobile users
Modals to support forms, iframes or any HTML
Auto-load and delay-load modal functions with cookie supported dismiss
In-house developed, purpose-built, ultra-smooth hardware-accelerated, cross-platform smooth parallax and scroll handling script
Visual Composer Page Builder included – you save $34
Owl Carousel included – with flexible data attribute modifiers
Based on Bootstrap 3.3.5 – all common elements are styled
Twitter feed integration
Fully realised shop layouts
Full blog layouts with sidebars
Youtube video section backgrounds
Google Maps API enabled maps with retina map markers added via simple data attributes
Custom Youtube and Vimeo embed modals
Custom Isotope filterable portfolio Sections
Lightbox Gallery
Widgetised menu and footer structure for maximum flexibility
Dev-friendly – Atomic design means developers know what to expect when customising markup
Simple & Speedy Admin
- All appropriate functions and post types from our Ebor Framework plugin
- No nasty admin changes
- Quick and simple page building with Visual Composer
- Speedy and intuitive mega menu building
- Adaptive images
- Pre-built pages and simple import page templates
- 1 Click demo data import
- Automated plugin install for simple startup
- WPML ready and certified
- Native WordPress features used for all functionality
- No surprises! Everything feels just like a regular WordPress theme