• EM4U – Event Tickets WordPress Theme


    EM4U – Event Tickets WordPress Theme is a responsive modern template for Event Ticket, Event Theme, Conference, Event Agency, Meetup, Webinars, Business, Marketing, Ads, Music Event, Sport Event.

    You can manage Multiple Events without lots of effort and create Event landing pages or Event one page which is siutable for your purpose.

    Our event platform assists customers on booking events directly on the website with a lot of popular payment gateways such as: Paypal, Stripe, Woocommerce. Event management System make it easy for administrator to manage information of tickets based on Name Event, Customer, QR code …. that included in tickets. Besides, your events are promoted easily with Front-end submission feature. Our Event platform is the top choice for management of your events.

    Hierarchical Categories tree: Event Mangement System enables you to make a event in different categories. You can manage categories in a simple and visual way with hierarchical category tree.

    Event Calendar Em4u allows you to select days and months directly with a beautiful Date Time UI . It is not difficult for you to change date and month formats to fit with your country. Event calendar feature gives you permision to display your events by multiple cretiria like future events, upcoming events, past events, category events and all events. With event calendar feature, you can find out events suitable for your expecting time.

    Google Map is intergrated directly on the site, so locations are displayed exactly to users. Moreover, the system sorts events based on locations and venues.

    • Location Post Type: Using hierarchical location tree with 2 levels assist you on being hierarchical Country – City Or State – City.
    • Venue Post Type: The venue is a particular place where events take place. You can make as many venues as you want without limitation. The System allows venues to display a lot of information such as: working day, map, contact info… Furthermore, it supports to display venue list and events of each venue.

    Event Schedule feature: Our Event is the perfect one for event management because its excellent Event Schedule feature. You are able to create unlimited schedules. Label, date for each tab are display easily. In the tab, you can select Speaker, Description, Time, Titlle. You are allow to choose one or many Speakers in the list.

    • The Speakers Post Type: that you choosed in scheduled. You can make unlimited speakers with infos: bio profile, social…. You can see list speakers at frontend. In detail speaker you will see info also List Events that speaker joined.

    Event Ticket is one of the most important features in Event Booking WordPress Theme. Your are able to make unlimited tickets

    • It enable you to manage Inventory of each ticket.
    • The certificate file is embed on per ticket (PDF or Image file )
    • Various tickets are created: Free, Paid, Woo, External with different payment gateways.
    • Payment Gateways Our Event Platform supports three payment gateways: Paypal, Stripe, Offline Payment. Besides, with Woocommerce for Booking Event, you can use multiple Payment Gateways siutable for your intention.
    • Manage ticket easily: Customer information management system with QR Code and Bar Code will help manage tickets without a lot of effort. Providing QR Code via website will allow to verify and update the status of tickets. It is convenient to send again tickets for customers, if they haven’t received any email ( PDF file or QR code ).
    • Allow integrate QR Code, Barcode, Logo, Certificate file in Ticket PDF file

    Gallary Feature: You can choose many images in a events with Gallary Feature. We use Media System to help you manage gallary Event easily.

    The Sponsors : Sponsors feature that is an essential one permits you to make unlimited sponsors level such as: gold sponsors, silver sponsors…..Choosing images and links for each sponsor is in a simple way.

    Organizer: Organizers information can be display easily on the website such as: Name, Email, Phone, Website, and you can completely hide that private information.

    Contact form: The system also supports the contact form to send question related to events.

    Extra information feature Event platfom allows to display extra information at the sidebar: an advertising image or a short introduction.

    List Event: You can arrange event list according to custom Order, Feature, Name, ID, Start Date which is available in Elements WPBakery PageBuilder.

    Event Search System on the website make customers easy to look for events. We use Shortcode to display Form Search, so you are able to put it everwhere you like. Based on your intention, you can use Show Field or Hide Field.

    Backend system supports many options that allows you to customize the theme according to your requirement.

    Order management system: With order management system, you completely know customer information, order status, and other information

    Tag system: Enable users to search events according to tag.

    Attendees Export System: help you export tickets and attendees information for each event by CSV file.

    Change slug Event, Category in backend easily.

    Override Template: Allow make your template to override default template of events manager plugin in child theme.

    Other Features

    • 13 Home Page Variation
    • 11 Slideshow Variation
    • 05 Header Variation
    • 05 Footer Variation
    • 10 Event List Style.
    • 04 Blog Styles.
    • 04 Speaker List Style
    • 02 Venue List Style
    • 03 Contact Template
    • Support Woocommerce
    • Support MegaMenu
    • Free Visual Composer Page Builder Plugin
    • Free Cube Portoflio Plugin
    • One click import demo data
    • Change Header, Footer in each event/post/page easily
    • Change layout (left siderbar, right sidebar, no-sidebar) in each post/page
    • Support Wide or Boxed in post/page
    • .pot file already for translate language
    • Support icon font: Font-Awesome, Eleganticons, Flaticon
    • Responsive 100%
    • Support IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
    • Documentation Step by Step

  • MitUp – Event & Conference WordPress Theme


    Mitup theme is modern design for event, conference, meet up, ceremony, seminars, courses. It is landing page with these feature about slideshow, schedule, countdown, price, about us, info ticket, register form, testimonial, logo, gallery, map, blog section, faq … You also can easily develop with multipe pages: about, contact, blog.

    • Free Visual Composer
    • Free Cube Portfolio
    • Register via Paypal Form
    • Register via Free Form
    • Register via Eventbrite System
    • Countdown event
    • Manage Registration in admin
    • Export registration to CSV file
    • Email template of confirm register
    • Include demo content
    • Wide & Boxed Layout
    • Support layout for each post/page: Left sidebar, Right sidebar, No sidebar, Full Width
    • Unlimited Color
    • Live Customize
    • One page, Lading page, multipe page
    • .Pot files ready
    • Support Google Font
    • Support contact form 7
    • Support mail chimp
    • Responsive Layout
    • Bootstrap 3
    • Html5 / Css3
    • Documentation step by step

  • One Page Landing Page WordPress Theme


    Landium – Responsive Mobile App & Landing Page One Page WordPress Theme Pack

    Landium WordPress App landing page theme work is great structured so you can easily move any blocks, fix text etc. Landium has a clean & stylish layout designed to promote anything from a corporate business to a portfolio site.

    Landium WordPress APP & Landing Page Theme is built with a block layout to help you use individual onepage sections across different versions freely. This helps you build many more beautiful Onepage or Multipage landing pages without any hassle. Enfold up the your website with Ninetheme assurance and do not ignore this advantage.

    What The Theme Includes ?

    You can create unlimited Onepage Mobile APP page structures with more than 40 shortcodes and perfect grid control system in all pages, posts and Custom Post Types. You can handle all your problems without a code knowledge is required, thanks to the hundreds of additional features added by our team, especially for the space issues on mobile devices.

    Thanks to the control panel that created with Option Tree, you can control everything like preloader, gototop logo, menu, colors, the general layout of the theme, footer, page structures and sidebar on the inner pages etc. You can also edit any page structure with available controls on the headings and structures of all internal pages such as 404, search and archive pages.

    With the help of metabox plugins that integrated into the theme, you can make specific definitions per page such as adding unique menus and background images and also this theme makes you enable to apply any css codes to your website’s header-footer areas such as special colors, spaces, height etc.

    You can use a slider which is prepared with eye-catching animations anywhere on your website or you can use hundreds of ready-made demos that already come with the plugin. You are one step ahead, if you got your visitor’s attention!

    Thanks to your Envato API, you won’t have to follow the changelog or or any updates because when we release an update for the theme, you will see a notification on your website’s control panel and update your theme with one click. Yes it is as simple as updating the plugins.

    You can use the Google Webfonts list unlimitedly through the Theme Options panel and you can use the Google Webfonts list unlimitedly through the Theme Options panel and change all of the typographic details of the design by defining the fonts and features of elements such as body – H1-H6 – p.

    Thanks to the shortcodes of the theme and powerful design options added to the Theme Options panel, you can change everything from colors to spaces without the need for coding information without the coding knowledge is required. Besides, if you want to change the comprehensive elements without coding knowledge, our customer support will help you for free.

    When you need an e-commerce system based on a WordPress infrastructure on your website, you can prepare it in minutes with WooCommerce. All our themes work well with WooCommerce and are fully compatible with WooCommerce plugins.

    All of our themes have been reviewed by the Envato team in details and receive high scores from all performance tests such as Validator, Pingdom, PageSpeed and it provides you with important advantages in SEO. When you want to make some editions, you’ll easly be able to apply your changes without getting lost between perfectly organized files and codes.

    You can use the left, right sidebar and full width options in page and post layouts, and you can make unique editiona on each page and post. This theme easily enables you to create any page you imagine of, using the features we’ve added to create Onepage and Multipage pages styles.

    The theme comes with a plugin that is integrated into the Envato API and includes free lifetime updates. In case you want to update paid plugins, you will be able to download and install the latest versions of the paid plugins such as WPBakery Visual Composer or Revolution Slider from our server.

    You can use any important font icon families such as Font Awesome anywhere you want with the customizable inputs. After downloading Child Theme or icon plugins and integrate them into to your website, you can place them in your website.

    As a standard, we can encode all lines of text as convertible into different languages. When the theme is completed, we place a .POT file that stores all of these text strings in convertible format in different languages, in the language folder of the theme. When you want to translate your website from English to a different language, you can easily translate each line to the language you want using an application such as POEDIT. The instructions needed to adapt a theme to different languages is available in our documentation.

    We calculate everything related to the Page Speed and SEO, which expresses the satisfaction of your website visitors, search engines and the consumption of server resources. In order to keep your site speed and SEO rates at the top, we process every detail carefully. Thanks to the theme that works seamlessly with important plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast, you can save a lot of time and server resources. As you apply our well-prepared document to your WordPress system, you will maximize your website conversions by exceeding the 85% Page Speed rate.

    With the use of WPBAKERY Page Builder or Elementor Page Builder shortcode elements, this theme makes you able to build unlimited and unique pages very easily. All the components such as Logo, Menu, Sidebar etc. are built specifically for the theme and you can easily control those components hide or remove them completely in Theme Options without any other codes required. You can quickly edit pre-made pages that come with Oneclick Import. Thanks to the functional options included into the sections, you can hide emove any unwanted elements.

    We add every possible options that you request for the theme and also we update our themes immediately if there is a reported bugs. All you have to do to update your theme is to click on a button and then the update is automatically installed on your server. The theme supports WP 3.0+ and all later versions. We follow regularly the WordPress updates and we update the important codes that need to be updated, accordingly.

    Our team (10th level Elite Author), which has sold 13,500+ products to 9500+ customers, has succeed to get 5 stars from almost all of our customers reviews, especially since the last 3 years. One of the most important issues we learned in our 12 years of business experience in this sector has been to keep our customers’ satisfaction higher and everything including small customizations is always free! We are looking forward to seeing you in our big family with our experienced developers and support team in the WordPress field for years.

    You can use this theme for Creative, Business, Portfolio Showcase, Technology, Landing Page and other categories. Thanks to the advanced theme options, you can control all colors and fonts and build your desired typography and color schemes. We add hundreds of features so you don’t need to use any additional plugins in almost all of our themes and also, you can build a onepage page style on a multipage website.


    +WPBakery ( Formerly Visual Composer) Page Builder
    +Revolution Slider
    +Woocommerce ready
    +Contact Form 7
    +WPML supported
    +Price Table Type
    +Metabox supported
    +Total Cache file for quick theme cache and speed options
    +Google Web Fonts
    +Blog ready
    +.POT for all languages – Multi language
    +724 fast support
    +Oneclick demodata installer and XML
    +Oneclick theme update
    +Onepage and Multipage theme layouts supported
    +Custom menus for per page via metaboxes
    +Parallax background image and video supported
    +Unlimited sidebar
    +Unlimited background
    +Unlimited color
    +Add your custom preloaders
    +700+ vector icons
    +Upload and use your custom font families
    +Well Documentation
    +Well commented HTML, CSS and JS files
    +Social icons
    +W3C Valid HTML
    +HTML5 and CSS3
    +Multi-Browser Support
    +Mobile Friendly
    +And many more options

  • Onepage Digital Marketing WordPress Theme – Advent


    Digital Marketing – APP – Showcase – Landing Page WordPress Theme – Advent

    Advent is a versatile WordPress Marketing & Landing Page Theme with a premier appeal. This clean landing page theme comes with 8 different home page versions each serving a different purpose like product, web app, mobile app, signup form and also coming soon page. Also it is a complete WordPress theme with menu footer, header, sidebars and more sections.

    Advent Theme is built with a block layout to help you use individual sections across different versions freely. This helps you build many more beautiful marketing and product landing pages without any hassle. Enfold up the your website with Ninetheme assurance and do not ignore this advantage.

    With the use of WPBAKERY Page Builder shortcode elements, this theme makes you able to build unlimited and unique pages very easily. All the components such as Logo, Menu, Sidebar etc. are built specifically for the theme and you can easily control those components hide or remove them completely in Theme Options without any other codes required. You can quickly edit pre-made pages that come with Oneclick Import. Thanks to the functional options included into the sections, you can hide emove any unwanted elements. You will receive 724 support from our dedicated Support Team, which is at the 5 star level ( https: hemeforest.netuser inetheme-support ) in case any assistance is required.

    We add every possible options that you request for the theme and also we update our themes immediately if there is a reported bugs. All you have to do to update your theme is to click on a button and then the update is automatically installed on your server. The theme supports WP 3.0+ and all later versions. We follow regularly the WordPress updates and we update the important codes that need to be updated, accordingly.

    Our team (10th level Elite Author), which has sold 11,000+ products to 7500+ customers, has succeed to get 5 stars from almost all of our customers reviews, especially since the last 3 years. One of the most important issues we learned in our 12 years of business experience in this sector has been to keep our customers’ satisfaction higher and everything including small customizations is always free! We are looking forward to seeing you in our big family with our experienced developers and support team in the WordPress field for years.

    You can use this theme for Creative, Business, Portfolio Showcase, Technology, Landing Page and other categories. Thanks to the advanced theme options, you can control all colors and fonts and build your desired typography and color schemes. We add hundreds of features so you don’t need to use any additional plugins in almost all of our themes and also, you can build a onepage page style on a multipage website.

    What The Theme Includes ?

    You can create unlimited page structures with more than 40 shortcodes and perfect grid control system in all pages, posts and Custom Post Types. You can handle all your problems without a code knowledge is required, thanks to the hundreds of additional features added by our team, especially for the space issues on mobile devices.

    Thanks to the control panel that created with Redux or Option Tree, you can control everything like preloader, gototop logo, menu, colors, the general layout of the theme, footer, page structures and sidebar on the inner pages etc. You can also edit any page structure with available controls on the headings and structures of all internal pages such as 404, search and archive pages.

    With the help of metabox plugins that integrated into the theme, you can make specific definitions per page such as adding unique menus and background images and also this theme makes you enable to apply any css codes to your website’s header-footer areas such as special colors, spaces, height etc.

    You can use a slider which is prepared with eye-catching animations anywhere on your website or you can use hundreds of ready-made demos that already come with the plugin. You are one step ahead, if you got your visitor’s attention!

    Thanks to your Envato API, you won’t have to follow the changelog or or any updates because when we release an update for the theme, you will see a notification on your website’s control panel and update your theme with one click. Yes it is as simple as updating the plugins.

    You can use the Google Webfonts list unlimitedly through the Theme Options panel and you can use the Google Webfonts list unlimitedly through the Theme Options panel and change all of the typographic details of the design by defining the fonts and features of elements such as body – H1-H6 – p.

    Thanks to the shortcodes of the theme and powerful design options added to the Theme Options panel, you can change everything from colors to spaces without the need for coding information without the coding knowledge is required. Besides, if you want to change the comprehensive elements without coding knowledge, our customer support will help you for free.

    When you need an e-commerce system based on a WordPress infrastructure on your website, you can prepare it in minutes with WooCommerce. All our themes work well with WooCommerce and are fully compatible with WooCommerce plugins.

    All of our themes have been reviewed by the Envato team in details and receive high scores from all performance tests such as Validator, Pingdom, PageSpeed and it provides you with important advantages in SEO. When you want to make some editions, you’ll easly be able to apply your changes without getting lost between perfectly organized files and codes.

    You can use the left, right sidebar and full width options in page and post layouts, and you can make unique editiona on each page and post. This theme easily enables you to create any page you imagine of, using the features we’ve added to create Onepage and Multipage pages styles.

    The theme comes with a plugin that is integrated into the Envato API and includes free lifetime updates. In case you want to update paid plugins, you will be able to download and install the latest versions of the paid plugins such as WPBakery Visual Composer or Revolution Slider from our server.

    You can use any important font icon families such as Font Awesome anywhere you want with the customizable inputs. After downloading Child Theme or icon plugins and integrate them into to your website, you can place them in your website.

    As a standard, we can encode all lines of text as convertible into different languages. When the theme is completed, we place a .POT file that stores all of these text strings in convertible format in different languages, in the language folder of the theme. When you want to translate your website from English to a different language, you can easily translate each line to the language you want using an application such as POEDIT. The instructions needed to adapt a theme to different languages is available in our documentation.

    We calculate everything related to the Page Speed and SEO, which expresses the satisfaction of your website visitors, search engines and the consumption of server resources. In order to keep your site speed and SEO rates at the top, we process every detail carefully. Thanks to the theme that works seamlessly with important plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast, you can save a lot of time and server resources. As you apply our well-prepared document to your WordPress system, you will maximize your website conversions by exceeding the 85% Page Speed rate.


    +WPBakery ( Formerly Visual Composer) Page Builder
    +Revolution Slider
    +Woocommerce ready
    +Contact Form 7
    +WPML supported
    +Price Table Type
    +Metabox supported
    +Total Cache file for quick theme cache and speed options
    +Google Web Fonts
    +Blog ready
    +.POT for all languages – Multi language
    +724 fast support
    +Oneclick demodata installer and XML
    +Oneclick theme update
    +Onepage and Multipage theme layouts supported
    +Custom menus for per page via metaboxes
    +Parallax background image and video supported
    +Unlimited sidebar
    +Unlimited background
    +Unlimited color
    +Add your custom preloaders
    +700+ vector icons
    +Upload and use your custom font families
    +Well Documentation
    +Well commented HTML, CSS and JS files
    +Social icons
    +W3C Valid HTML
    +HTML5 and CSS3
    +Multi-Browser Support
    +Mobile Friendly
    +And many more options

  • Camille – Multi-Concept WordPress Theme


    Template Feature

    • 29+ Unique Demo, individually arranged and well managed as different sets. You can further mix up any components across any variants. Complete creative freedom for you.
    • 6+ Header Layout
    • Ultimate Header Mobile Layout
    • Ultimate Footer Layout
    • 10+ Blog layout combinations ( masonry, grid, slider …. )
    • 10+ Portfolio layout combinations ( masonry, gird, slider …. )
    • 6+ Portfolio single item layouts
    • 5+ Testimonial display style
    • 5+ Team member display style
    • 02 Coming Soon Style
    • One Page Support
    • Retina Ready
    • Optimizer Speed
    • RTL Support
    • Maintenance Mode integration
    • MegaMenu Ready
    • One Click Demo Install
    • Change header ( main menu/ footer ) layout from page to page ( post to post …)
    • Powerful admin interface
    • Highly Customizable
    • Slider Revolution Premium Slideshow Builder ($ 19 Value)
    • WPBakery Visual Composer
    • Easy to use drag and drop page builder
    • Separate header logo for standard, sticky, and mobile versions
    • Custom post formats: Gallery, Quote, Link, Audio, Video
    • Custom Post Type support
    • Portfolio
    • Testimonial
    • Our Team
    • Custom Block
    • Social Share functionality
    • Social icons widget
    • Portfolio ShortCodes
    • Multiple page options
    • Parallax background sections
    • Google Maps integrate
    • Styling options for elements
    • 404 Page Customization
    • Back to Top
    • Child Theme included to help you make the most out of it.
    • Theme Options Powered by WordPress? Customizer
    • Demo content with actual images
    • Professional Support
    • Regular Updates

    Customization Options

    Camille can be customized easily using LA Framework. It has a powerful theme options panel and WordPress customize. The theme also bundles custom tailored version of revolutionary Visual Composer which allows users to build various page layouts with minimum effort.

    • Fully Customizable design and layout
    • Visual Composer Drag-and-drop page builder bundled ( Save $25 )
    • Lots of Custom Visual Composer Elements to work with
    • Upload your Logo and Favicon
    • Translation Ready
    • WPML Compatible
    • Integrated with Google Fonts
    • Integrated with Font Awesome icons

    WooCommerce Features

    Camille is very nicely integrated with WooCommerce and provide lot of additional features.

    • 07 Product Grid Layout
    • 07 Product Masonry Layout
    • Product List Layout
    • 03 Product Details Layout
    • Product Wishlist integration
    • Product Comparison integration
    • Visual Attributes integration
    • Catalog Mode integration
    • SEO Optimized
    • Additional Widgets to filter by WooCommerce Attributes.
    • Ajax Shop
    • Product Image 360
    • Custom Product Label
    • WooCommerce Product Color Swatch
    • WooCommerce Product Color Swatch Gallery Images
    • WooCommerce Product Images Swatch
    • WooCommerce Product Video Thumbnail
    • Product List Color Attribute Filter
    • Quick View Product
    • Custom Product Filters
    • VC Vendors, Dokan Compatible

    ————————————————————- © 2018 La-Studio. All rights reserved.

  • Jonny – Personal WordPress Theme


    Jonny. – Modern Porftolio & Personal Template.Jonny is suitable for personal, portfolio, designer, freelance, and another websites. It is a high performance template it’s help to load your website fast and it’s fully optimize and clean code help search engine to optimize website. Based on Bootstrap.


    • Visual composer Page builder Save $34
    • One-click Demo import
    • .pot file for localization available
    • Custom header image for each page
    • SEO Optimized
    • Live Color Changer
    • Many options for change colors
    • Built-in Shortcodes
    • Custom Post Types project (support Visual composer)
    • Custom Widgets
    • Support WP Custumizer
    • Moveable & Unlimited Sidebars – Move the sidebar to the left, to the right or disable
    • Retina Ready
    • Responsive Design
    • Unlimited Color
    • Social Link on Header
    • Video Tutorial for Setting Up as Demo Site
    • HTML5 and CSS3 Validated
    • All Google Fonts Included
    • Ajax Contact Form
    • Custom Shortcodes
    • All installed Extensions are included
    • Cross Browser Support
    • Detailed Documentation Included
    • Full Support
    • auto-update support Envato Toolkit plugin (theme auto-update plugin)
    • Smart & Fully Responsive • Owl sliders
    • Well documented
    • Clean Design
    • Working Contact Forms
    • Well Documented
    • Easy to customize
    • Bootstrap 3x
    • Clean & smart code
    • Valid HTML code
    • Google Fonts
    • Linear icons
    • 600 + Font awesome icons
    • many more features

  • Supmax – Health & Supplement Elementor WordPress


    Supmax Health & Supplement WordPress theme specifically for Gym, Fitness, Supplements, Crossfit, Sports & Nutrition, Supplement Landing, Medicine Affiliate, Body Enhancement Product, Weight Loss & Diet Product etc.

    We built this theme on Elementor, a very convenient drag-n-drop for WordPress. It should provide you with the smoothest experience while creating your website with our theme. The WordPress theme is responsive, you can view it also in the mobile/tablets devices and it looks very in more devices.

    One Click Demo Importer

    With demo data importer, you will be set up and ready to customize your site in minutes.


    Supmax is the most compatible theme with elementor page builder which is recommended by their official recommended page.

    Fully Responsive

    What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. Pedosis theme is fully responsive layout for all type of devices.

    Redux Theme Option

    Our theme provides very easy and comprehensive set of theme options that will help you configure and modify the things around your website more easily.

    600+ Google Fonts

    Change the look and feel of your website with the included custom Google Font options. Use our theme option panel to change the fonts for your body, header, heading, menu.

  • Relxtower – Single Property Elementor WordPress


    Relxtower is a WordPress theme that very suitable for Interior Design Business. It’s very minimalis, but modern, classy, and hand-crafted to be Mobile-Friendly.

    We built this theme on Elementor, a very convenient drag-n-drop for WordPress. It should provide you with the smoothest experience while creating your website with our theme. The WordPress theme is responsive, you can view it also in the mobile/tablets devices and it looks very in more devices.

    One Click Demo Importer

    With demo data importer, you will be set up and ready to customize your site in minutes.


    Relxtower is the most compatible theme with elementor page builder which is recommended by their official recommended page.

    Fully Responsive

    What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. Pedosis theme is fully responsive layout for all type of devices.

    Redux Theme Option

    Our theme provides very easy and comprehensive set of theme options that will help you configure and modify the things around your website more easily.

    600+ Google Fonts

    Change the look and feel of your website with the included custom Google Font options. Use our theme option panel to change the fonts for your body, header, heading, menu.

  • Felix. – App, WordPress Onepage Theme


    Felix. – Light, minimal and Modern WordPress Landing Page. Felix is suitable for apps, web products, services and all startup websites.


    • Visual composer Page builder
    • Slider revolution
    • .pot file for localization available
    • smoothscroll
    • one page menu
    • SEO Optimized
    • Live Color Changer
    • Many options for change colors
    • Built-in Shortcodes
    • Custom Post Types project (support Visual composer)
    • Custom Widgets
    • Support WP Custumizer
    • Moveable & Unlimited Sidebars – Move the sidebar to the left, to the right or disable
    • Responsive Design
    • Unlimited Color
    • Social Link on Footer
    • Video Tutorial for Setting Up as Demo Site
    • All Google Fonts Included
    • Ajax Contact Form
    • Custom Shortcodes
    • All installed Extensions are included
    • Cross Browser Support
    • Detailed Documentation Included
    • auto-update support Envato Toolkit plugin (theme auto-update plugin)
    • google map integration
      • many more features

    Note: With our demo import feature, you are able to get all media files included. Licences only for demo site, so if you want to use the same images, you need to buy your licences for your website.

  • Mechanic – Car Service & Repair WordPress Theme


    Mechanic – Auto Mechanic & Car Repair WordPress Theme – Business Corporate. The template is built for Auto Mechanic, Car Repair Shops, Car Wash, Garages, Automobile Mechanicals, Mechanic Workshops, Auto Painting, auto Centres and other.


    • Visual composer Page builder
    • Slider revolution s
    • Full WooCommerce integration
    • One-click Demo import
    • Support option tree
    • Full support contact form 7 • Costume Gallery 3 type
    • Services pages
    • Pricing page
    • Team page
    • 3 blog view, list. 3 columns, 2 columns
    • .pot file for localization available
    • Custom header image for each page
    • SEO Optimized
    • Live Color Changer
    • Many options for change colors
    • Built-in Shortcodes
    • Custom Post Types project (support Visual composer)
    • Custom Widgets
    • Support WP Custumizer
    • Moveable & Unlimited Sidebars – Move the sidebar to the left, to the right or disable
    • Responsive Design
    • Unlimited Color
    • Social Link on Footer
    • Video Tutorial for Setting Up as Demo Site
    • All Google Fonts Included
    • Ajax Contact Form
    • Custom Shortcodes
    • All installed Extensions are included
    • Cross Browser Support
    • Detailed Documentation Included
    • google map integration
    • +many more features

    Note: With our demo import feature, you are able to get all media files included. Licences only for demo site, so if you want to use the same images, you need to buy your licences for your website.

  • Maxify


    Business Blog and Startup Magazine WordPress Theme 1.0.3

    Maxify is a clean and modern Business Blog and Startup Magazine WordPress Theme. It is perfect for startup, web agency, company, contemporary firm and business. Also, it is great for personal and corporate blog and news magazine.

    Furthermore, it works for inspirational stories, affiliate, minimal, media, freelance, news jacking, instructional, cheat sheet, entertaining & gaming. Above all it suits tutorial, industry, current events, checklists, listicles, infographics, case studies, profiles, interviews, expert opinions, reviews, comparisons, parody, funny, quizzes, surveys and polls, local, FAQs.

  • Calcium – Minimalist Portfolio & Blogging Theme


    Calcium – is a Responsive WordPress theme, primarily developed for Blog and Portfolio usage. It supports two types of header, two skins, custom fonts and many other options to customize the theme look and feel.


    • Light Skin
    • Dark Skin
    • Font Selector
    • Use a custom font
    • Custom CSS
    • Design the Homepage Layout (Change Order)
    • Quotes
    • Blog Widget Manager
    • Contact Form Widget
    • Custom HTML Content
    • Home Menu Link Icon
    • Responsive and Retina Display Theme
    • Translatable Theme – WPML Support
    • Backup and restore theme settings
    • Header v1 – Logo on the left, menu on the right
    • Header v2 – Logo and menu centered
    • Logo with font
    • Upload your custom logo (+ Retina Display)
    • Sidebar (Enable/Disable)
    • Sidebar Menu Left or Right
    • Sidebar Icon Trigger Position
    • Social Network Ordering
    • Google Analytics Tracker


    • Isotope Portfolio Filtering
    • 4 Columns Portfolio
    • 3 Columns Portfolio
    • 2 Columns Portfolio
    • Portfolio Item Position – Left, Right, Top, Bottom
    • Interactive Item Details
    • Native Item Details
    • Items per page – Select how many items to show on a page
    • Endless Scroll
    • Normal (Paginated)
    • Portfolio images Auto Switch Time
    • Post Sharing (Enable/Disable)
    • Likes (On/Off)
    • Filter by Category (Enable/Disable)
    • Change Date Format


    • Archives Page – Choose from post type
    • Breadcrumbs (Show/Hide)
    • Thumbnails (Show/Hide)
    • Author Info (Show/Hide)
    • Category (Show/HIde)
    • Tags (Show/Hide)
    • Set Thumbnail Size


    • Grid
    • Buttons
    • Tabs
    • Accordions
    • Alert Boxes
    • Breadcrumbs
    • Pricing Tables