Warhol is an elegant, versatile theme that gives you the tools you need to express who you are and what your business does in a professional and coherent manner. To help you get started with your website we’ve made sure to include 8 homepage layouts, 8 unique heros, and some 100+ content blocks that you can use to tailor Warhol to your needs and preferences. Warhol is perfect for any small to medium sized creative agency, ad agency, photo studio, small business, or freelancer that is looking for a bold, yet professional modern look. What sets Warhol apart is the great focus on detail and design, big typography, elegant slider animations and reveal animations.
Full Features
- Coded with care
- Extensive documentation
- Responsive (desktop, tablet, mobile)
- ThemeMountain OneClick Import (for demo concepts)
- Layout and Section library accessible directly from Visual Composer
- 800+ Google Fonts and 30+ carefully selected font pairs
- 30+ Visual Composer Elements by ThemeMountain
- 100+ purpose-built sections
- 80+ layouts
- 8 Homepages
- 8 Special Heros
- 13 Portfolio Layouts
- 5 Blog Layouts
- Multiple portfolio grid layouts
- Visual Composer (included)
- WooCommerce (included)
- Avalanche Slider (included)
- Snowbridge Parallax Sections (included)
- MailChimp newsletter signup forms (with consent checkbox)
- Contact form 7 contact forms (with consent consent checkboxes)
- A ton of Customiser options that you can preview live
- Simple Theme Options
Compatible browsers
- IE10,
- IE11
- Edge
- Firefox,
- Safari
- Opera
- Chrome