KICKCUBE Allow your users to create, edit, view, and delete posts, allow them to show and share the story with everyone and give the possibility to premium users to have posts with a redirect from the homepage.
- Last Update: August 16, 2020
- WordPress 5.5 Ready
- Docs =
- Changelog =
Theme Features
- Product Created by ThemeForest Elite Author.
- 1-click demo installation ( video ).
- Automatic, free theme updates.
- Premium Membership.
- Article Link Source with a redirect.
- Instantly Publish Post for premium members.
- Premium Content ( demo ).
- Beautiful Pricing Table ( demo ).
- Default Pagination or Infinite Scroll ( infinite scroll demo ).
Memberships are a great way to make a living from your website, and if you want to sell product or service packages on your website or in this case to sell Premium content or to give them the possibility to access some pages in order to use the submission form, you’ll want to integrate your own membership platform. Restrict Content Pro comes with full support for plans with lots of customization options so you can edit the price, duration, access level and more.